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Grell threw open the door to the manor of her close friend while speaking loudly and laughing.

"ah, miss Grell I wasn't expecting any visitors today! My master is busy currently you may wait in their study if you wish. I shall inform them of your arrival." A blonde butler with brown eyes and a dark purple suit with a blood red brooch spoke and bowed as he closed the door behind Grell and went off to find his master, Grell went in the other direction towards the study.

The butler walked into a large circular room filled to the brim with books and curiosity's next to jars, crystals and plants/herbs. "Master?" He spoke softly
"ah!?...Charlie... You spooked me, do you need something?" Charlie's master said as the hood of their cloak swayed slightly from their jumpy movement the golden triangle pattern shining against the velvety pristine white fabric, short locks of brown hair poked from the hem of the hood as their face was shadowed and hidden.

"I apologize master, lady Grell has come to visit you." He says and bows lightly.
A sigh comes from the hooded figure "I thought I told her to send a message before visiting... Anyway, charlie would you be a doll and fetch my pills for me before I leave to my study?" They say asking a question instead of speaking a command.
"yes master." Charlie says and runs off to fetch their pills, they smile and place their bookmark back into their book before setting it on a dark mahogany coffee table In front of them as they slowly and unsteadily rise from their seat on the floor and slipping their blindfold back over their eyes.

Charlie enters back into the room holding a few lavender colored pills in his hand and a glass of water in the other "Master, I've returned with your pills!" He says in his cheerful young voice.
his master took him in around the time he was abandoned at the age of ten, lonely and depressed, but had now grown to be quite the lively cheerful lad at the age of 20.

His master turned slowly and beckoned him closer to them "thank you dear..." They say as he sets the pills in their cold soft palms and watches as they quickly swallow them.
"I-I brought you water too!" He said guiding his master's hands to the cup, he wanted them to be proud of him and to love him (even though he knew they already did) he felt as if they were his parent and he was their son, they felt the same way about him.

"Thank you Charlie!" They say with a small smile gracing their lips as they pull the glass to their lips and drink it to wash away the flavor of the pills and the dryness of their throat.

charlie took the glass back and set it down he then reaches out and puts his arm around his master's, awaiting for their movement to start walking but instead they raised their hand and searched for a few moments until they found his face.
They ran a thumb across his cheek and put their hand on his head to ruffle his hair "my how you've grown since I met you Charlie" They say and Charlie looks up at them with a beaming face full of joy.
Charlie's eyes are filled with hope and joy "I want you to know that I love you as a son... And I've always felt that way..." They smiled at him and caressed his cheek with their cold hand.
"I... I know master... I love you too!" He said his brown eyes sparkling and finding their way to where his master's eyes would be if they had not been covered.

"All of us here... We are one large family..." They said airily as their mind started to slowly drift only to be pulled back by the feeling of charlie nodding against their hand.
"ah, well shouldn't keep Grell waiting, you know how she gets..." They say and start walking as their bare feet pad softly against the ground making little to no noise compared to Charlie's shoes clicking against the ground next to them.

Soon they arrived to the rather small and cozy study a fire already going when they entered and Grell sitting on top of the desk with her legs crossed "ah~ Eden! It's been too long since my last visit how have you been!" Grell immediately starts to chat when she sees charlie and the master enter the room "Grell! It has been far too long, how about we chat over tea and pastries?"

"... It's gotten pretty bad then, huh? So many demotions!" Eden says while nibbling on a warm raspberry jelly filled bun.
"yeah... But at least your conditions been getting better so not everything is bad!" Grell said with a cheery voice while sitting In front of Eden on the desk.
Eden rests their head against Grell's thigh and sighs "I just wish I could speed up the recovery process... It's hard not being able to go out into the gardens anymore, maybe soon though..." They say and Grell sets a hand on their head and starts to pet their hair "I can't imagine what it's like to be- be so frail all the time..." Grell sighs and leans her head to the side, staring down with a frown at the person on them.

"Either way, I'm so glad you still come and visit me Grell." They say with a small smile as they gently pull the back of Grell's hand to their mouth and press a very light kiss to her knuckles before rubbing their thumb repeatedly over the area.
Grell blushes and manages to hold back squeals of happiness.
"It's no problem really, I enjoy your company as well!" Grell replies and grips their hand lightly in a way it did not hurt them.
"that's nice.... I do wish I could meet new people though... Throw small parties again..." Eden says with a disheartened sigh as the smile slowly falls from their face and turns to a frown, this gave Grell an idea, maybe not a good idea but an idea none the less...

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