It's Not Being Together, It's Just Following The Rules

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Aspen, Colorado
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 26, 2002
(11:45 pm)

"Have you seen her dressed in blue...See the sky in front of you...and her face is like a sail, paper white so fair and pale...Have you seen a lady fairer...She comes in colors everywhere...She combs her hair...She's like a rainbow..."

Lindsey held Stevie's hand as he watched her twirl around in her nightgown to "She's A Rainbow" by The Rolling Stones. The late-night dance party for two was the perfect end to a perfect birthday, and as she twirled around the living room to one of her favorite songs from her youth, Lindsey's eyes on her revealed nothing but love, she was not thinking about being older, about being tired. She was just happy. And she was reminded of how much she loved and was loved in return.

She turned back into his arms and as he moved with her to the music, Lindsey was singing, "Have you seen her all in a queen in days of old...She shoots colors and around, like a sunset going down...Have you seen a lady fairer?"

Stevie knew most people came to Aspen to ski and do other winter activities. It was May, however, and their weekend getaway had been about the opposite of being active - it was about rest and relaxation and recovery, as well as enjoying their time together as a couple. They had done exactly that, spending most of their time in varying stages of dress, camping out by the fire, making use of the backyard, eating big breakfasts, making love, reacquainting themselves with each other.

Her birthday celebration had begun the moment she'd opened her eyes at nine o'clock to the aroma of coffee, followed by the familiar sound of Lindsey singing along to the radio in the kitchen as he made the traditional blueberry pancakes. Stevie had thought that was all she'd walk into when she got down to the kitchen, but the dozens of red roses she'd hadn't counted on seeing on the table had brought tears to her eyes immediately.

They had made use of the hot tub, scarfed down a dinner of lobster rolls in front of the television, and a carrot cake with pink candles shaped like a 5 and a 4 had been blown out on a wish. All four of the kids had called to wish her a happy birthday, and she'd had to hold back tears at the sound of four-year-old Amber saying, "Hurry home tomorrow, Mommy, so you don't miss bedtime again and you can tell me stories. Julia is good but I like yours."

The only part of her birthday celebration that remained was the gift from Lindsey that was a big secret. He had been hinting around about it all day, telling her he was going to save it for the very last moment of her birthday because it was going to be the perfect end to a perfect day. It was Stevie who was the first to notice the time on the cable box flashing 11:52 below the television when she went to the entertainment center to stop the music, and she turned around and said, " eight minutes it's not going to be my birthday anymore..." She was chewing on her thumbnail, a perfect innocent smile on her face as if it were her fifth birthday and not her fifty-fourth. "Can I please open my present now?"

Lindsey laughed and came towards her, and her took both of his hands in hers and kissed them. "Your patience has been quite remarkable, birthday girl," he said. He led her to the sofa where he sat her down and said, "Close your eyes, angel, and hold out your hands like a good girl."

Stevie did as she was told. She could hear Lindsey puttering around in the pile of his clothing nearby, and moments later, he sat down beside her and she felt a long, smooth object drop into her hands. When she opened her eyes, she could see what appeared to be a box containing a necklace or bracelet. Her could feel the tears starting.

"Happy Birthday, my beautiful Stephanie," Lindsey said before he kissed her. "Open it!" He looked as excited as if it were his own birthday present.

Stevie opened the long red leather box and what appeared to be a silver charm bracelet, a chain, and all of the charms were little silver hearts. She lifted the bracelet to inspect it closely, and as soon as she began to see numbers engraved in each of the hearts, she understood, and that's when the tears began.

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