Kala Makaha #17

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"In Hawaii, we have something called Ho'oponopono, where people come together to resolve crises and restore peace and balance."

Name: Kala Makaha
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nationality: Hawaiian
Codename(s): Surfer
Rank: Captain
Team: Los Diablos
Status: Alive
Birth Date: 05/19/1997
Death Date: N/A
Occupation: Civil Engineer

Appearance: Sliver-white hair, Emerald purple eyes, and Hawaiian tribal tattoos
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 189

Personality: Crazy, Crude, Destructive, Extreme, Regimental
Fear(s): Death of comrades, Dying on the battlefield, Racism
Likes: Sweet candy, Human flesh, Carnage, Surfing, War
Dislikes: Be bossed or commanded
Habit(s): Apologizing, Making a mess
Flaw(s): Cruel, Sadistic, Violent, Outsider
Talent: Jungle warfare, Hunting, Cooking
Goal(s): Kill them all and eat them all

Reputation: The "Hawaiian Cannibal" Assassin
Love Interest(s): N/A
Friend(s): Huang Shun, Gentry McCoy, Zofia Jedynak, Maya Zoja
Enemy(ies): Grell Sutcliff (Kuroshitauji)
Relationship(s): N/A

Weapons: FM MAG 58, M1 Garand, M1928 Thompson, (X2) Glock 27, (X10) RGD-33 Hand Grenades, (X2) RPG-7, Naginata
Preferred Weapons: FM MAG 58 10-10, M1 Garand 9-10, M1928 Thompson 10-10, (X2) Glock 27 10-10, (X10) RGD-33 Hand Grenades 10-10, (X2) RPG-7 9-10, Naginata 10-10
Agility: 10/10
Hand to Hand Combat: 9/10
Long Range Accuracy: 5/10
Defense: 10/10
Offense: 9/10
People: 4/10
Fighting Style(s): Kapu Kuialua
Kill Count: 900 Kills
Special Powers/Abilities (X3)
• Jungle Fury (The ability to turn into a murderous rampaging predator.)
• Tribal Terror (The ability to summon tribal spirits and demons.)
The Cannibal Wrath (The ability to strip the victim's flesh from their bones.)

Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America
Family: Orphan
Kala Makaha is known as the Cannibal of the Pacific, the Jungle Terror, and the Sadistic Tribal Warrior. Kala Makaha is orphan and never seen her parents in her entire life.

Kala Makaha is also known to be very violent to others because she hates anyone who aren't respectful to the Hawaiian islands, especially foreigners.

When Kala Makaha was five years old, she ran away from the orphanage, in Honolulu, and lived in the Hawaiian tropical jungle. In the jungle, Kala Makaha was able to survive and lived off of wild fruits and small critters. But what Kala Makaha really enjoys is human flesh. When growing up, Kala Makaha always ate meat raw and sometimes eating a live fish raw too, at orphanage. The reason: Kala Makaha suffers from an illness called Kuru. A illness that makes anyone crave for raw human flesh.
Whenever a tourist came to Hawaiian jungles for a walk or hiking trip: they were never from again because Kala Makaha killed and ate them. Leaving nothing but bones and the skins hanging on a tree.

Showing that Kala Makaha means business and she'll kill and eat them. Reports from the authorities say that 25 tourists disappeared in jungle and law enforcement only found the victims' bones with their skins hanging on the trees. Many Hawaiians believe the spirits of their ancestors doing the terrible killings because the visitors and foreigners are disrespecting the islands.
Instead, Kala Makaha is just hungry and wanting a snack. Kala Makaha will eat more the 100 pounds of raw flesh, that's more then a lion, jaguar, tiger, or alligator.

But someone wanted Kala Makaha for a different reason. He wanted Kala Makaha to train his mercenaries in jungle fighting. That someone wouldn't have be Hanyu Zhengwen. Kala Makaha turned down the offer because she didn't trust Hanyu Zhengwen or his mercenaries.

So Hanyu Zhengwen made another deal with Kala Makaha. The deal was that if Kala Makaha is able defeat Hanyu Zhengwen in battle, Kala Makaha doesn't join the Children of Shadows but if Kala Makaha is defeated by Hanyu Zhengwen, she has no chose but to pledge her loyalty to him.

What Hanyu Zhengwen doesn't know is that Kala Makaha is a very skilled Hawaiian fighter and never lost a single match to no one.

Hanyu Zhengwen and Kala Makaha agreed and their battle would be at Waikiki Beach in the Waikiki city. Both would meet at midnight to prepare their melee.

It's midnight and both assassins were face to face on the Waikiki Beach, giving each others with murderous death stare. Kala Makaha didn't have a weapon, so in an act of kindness, Hanyu Zhengwen gave Kala Makaha a saber for their battle.

Kala Makaha attacked first but Hanyu Zhengwen dodged her assault quick and viciously slashed Kala Makaha in the back and delivered a murderous punch to her forehead that knocked Kala Makaha out cold.

After ten days in the hospital, Kala Makaha regained consciousness after that murderous blow to the head and she remembered what happened. Kala Makaha was in a state of shock when she lost the match to Hanyu Zhengwen and now she has to show loyalty to him and Kala Makaha will be going to Moscow for a different assignment: winning a battle.

The Second Battle of Moscow was getting murderous when the Children of Shadows and the U.N. Coalition are at each other's throats and Kala Makaha is fighting for life.

Unlike the Hawaiian jungles, Kala Makaha doesn't know nothing about the concrete jungle. In Hawaii, Kala Makaha was the hunter but now she the hunted because U.N. and Russian snipers are hunting down Shadow soldiers in the tens of thousands in rumbles of Moscow's districts.

When Kala Makaha was close to death, someone saved her from a Russian sniper. Her name was Maya Zoja, an Ishvalan mercenary from South Africa, rescued Kala Makaha from an early death in Moscow. Kala Makaha was thankful that Maya Zoja aided her and from that mention on Kala Makaha and Maya Zoja became close friends throughout the Moscow uprising.

Words can't describes the scene of Moscow because the city turned into an inferno with houses and building burning to a crisp and bodies littered the streets and houses in Moscow. As if Hell, itself, was burning.

Kala Makaha escaped Moscow with 16 other comrades of her regiment. The new job: getting revenge against that man who recruited them.

Hanyu Zhengwen was assassinated with 510 bullets in his body + The Children of Shadows was dismantled + The birth of Los Diablos= Kala Makaha becomes the seventieth and last member.

Kala Makaha is a Jelsa fan and she'll do anything to keep Elsa and Jack Frost save from anyone, even if she has to eat them.

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