Kiss Me (Please)

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Another celebration. It was the sixty-eighth one this month.

Bright lights hung from the trees and fireflies flitted through the blades of grass, already wet from the damp night air.

The moon and stars glistened in the dark sky, illuminating the small kingdom below them.

Tables ladened with fruits and refreshments were scattered around the central clearing where monkeys were dancing and joking with each other. 

It wasn't really Macaques type of thing, but he had a job to do

He sighs as he bites into the shell of a coconut. He watches Wukong as he slips through the crowds of adoring monkeys, showering him with praises and gifts.

Wukong gave him a look that read, "HELP ME."

Macaque chuckled. The king really should socialize more. Being indoors has made his skin paler and his fur messier. Macaque smoothed back his own fur self-consciously.

After what seemed like hours, Wukong had finally managed to escape from the crowd, running to hide behind macaque, his fur poofing up in all directions.

"What are you doing?" Macaque asked the king. "Go dance. Have fun."

Wukong shivered in response. "No."

macaque rolled his eyes and shifted from in front of wukong. "They haven't seen you in five months. go entertain them."

"Um. No thanks. Can we go back inside now?"

Macaque sighed and scanned the crowd for a young simian looking to be wooed by an impulsive idiot. He pointed to a bronze furred maiden standing in the middle of the clearing, looking lost. 

"Dance with her." The shadow instructed.


"I don't want to dance. I want to go back inside."

"Wukong, with all due respect, you're being a brat. i dragged you out here so you could enjoy yourself, so you WILL enjoy yourself."

Wukong scoffed. "You sound like my mother."


 Wukong  miserably sulked over to the girl, who looked a bit stunned at the king asking permission to dance. She accepted his advances nervously.

Macaque heard a voice beside him, "About time he got a mate."

he wheeled around. Excuse me?"

The stranger gestured with his chin towards the golden furred monkey and his less than willing partner. "It's been years since he became king. You'd think a ruler like wukong would be intrested in having a heir."

macaque glared at him. Who was this stranger and why does he care about wukongs love life?

"The king isn't interested. He doesnt want children, and that girl isnt his mate" For some reason the thought made Macaque angry

The man raised his eyebrow. "You think?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Nothing, nothing." the stranger walked off in favor of bothering someone else.

"We should start exiling nosy fuckers like you." Macaque muttered.


Wukong ran up to him and gripped his arm with enough strength macaque was sure he had broken a few bones.

" Wukong, what is it? where's your partner"

"I um…" The king rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "She left. Went to dance with someone else."

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