Comments 1

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In which OP asnwer comments and get busted in the process!



Have you tried doing a DNA test? DNA tests often help find your biological parents and give insight to past health issues that you might not be aware of. If that is not possible, then it maybe best to go to a doctor. I'm aware you mentioned that you wish to not hold up the doctors attention and that is sincere of you but that doesn't excuse your issue either.

You didn't exactly state what exactly you were going through but another option could be looking online to see if other people have felt this way? Maybe the invasion affected them too in a similar sense. I hope you find the answer that you need! All the love form Hawai'i <3


Thank you! On the matter on DNA test, I'm considering doing one, I even know someone who is a science expert who could help me to do one, it could at least give me more informations about me on biology matters!

I'm not really sure on the on the "finding my bio parents" thing as the circumstances surrounding my birth are "specials", again this is a very complicated story that I prefer to keep private for now, so I don't think I'll be able to actually find any bio parents, but I'll still do the DNA test for my health.

But if the test goes nowhere, then, I'll go see a doctor.

As for what is happening with me, I... Don't know how to explain it!

I feel like I'm losing control of my body, like there's something in me strong and hot which is becoming stronger and hotter day by day to the point it became painfull, it feel like there's a bomb in me which threaten to explode at any moment!

I had also a serie of bad headaches, they can be tolerable one moment to suddenly becoming painful and unbearable the moment right after, I checked for my temperature but no fever or any kind of sympthoms which could tell if it was a sickness.

I indeed looked up on the internet, specifically on support forums which have been created after the invasion to serves as support groups to help people to heal from the trauma the aliens created, and no one seem to had what I'm going through.

I really hope the DNA test will give me some answers!


Umm starting strong i see-

Well- first does anyone in your family has the same symthoms u have? like one of your brother or father? also is it dangerous? bc if it is its better that that a professional see u

And sweatheart /gender neutral/ plis go with someone that knows about this stuff, even if it doesnt hurt in this kind of situacion is better that someone altleast one person or whtever u are know or altleast a friend ur very close with /i hope that altleas this helps a little/

Also are you ok? abt the invasion i mean, i hope that ur ok though love for u and your fam <3


Thank you for the support! Me and my family are, thankfully, all okay!

All of us are very scarred physically and emotionally but we are all alive and together and are doing our best to heal and move on!

From what I saw, I'm the only one in my family with the symptoms, I also subtly asked each of them if they felt something unusual about them, outside of the physical and mental scars of course, but none of them did.

I'm planning on doing a DNA test to get some answers, one of our family friends is into science stuff and could help with that but he is currently away so I'll have to wait for him to come back.

As for your suggestion to at least tell a friend, I think you're right, maybe I should tell someone, this would make the situation more bearable.

My brothers and I have a friend who is like a sister to us and who has always been there for us. Maybe I should talk about it with her.



PM. Right. Now!



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