Part 1

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Severus Snape. A Slytherin boy who is mostly bullied because he isn't like other Slytherins. He's mostly or usually by himself or he's by Lily Evans, a Gryffindor Muggle-Born witch. He never minds it of course, as some say, he's grown a bit numb to it because of how often it happened.

However, he had a problem, or he could mentally count, 2 problems. One is James Potter and Two is also James Potter. Bloody bloke wouldn't leave him alone no matter how much he tries to get rid of him, it's like he placed some kind tracker on him. So, he decided that in order to really see if he can find a better hiding place and he had in mind the forbidden forest. Gathering up his need to complete assignments before the end of the week, he peeked outside the door of the closet he was hiding in and looked around before deeming it good for him to go and quickly made his way to the forbidden forest, thankfully it was still very light out so he had plenty of time, hopefully, to get his assignments done and escape James for a while without having the bastard loom over him and just overall be an annoyance. 

Running into the trees he didn't think to keep an eye on where he was heading or how to get back out, he just ran until he came across a clearing with a knocked over tree. 

He looked around the forest pulling out his wand and muttering a spell to see if anyone was near finding none, he sighed in relief and walked over to the tree, looking at it he acknowledged that it was knocked over by something. Probably a Centaur or something. 

Pulling out his assignments and quill and ink, he began to work with the only sounds being his quill against the parchment paper and the sounds of the forest around him. He found the sounds oddly relaxing, kind of odd how he'd be relaxed in the forbidden forest that's full of dark creatures of many sorts but at least it got him away from Potter. 

Finishing his assignments after a few hours he decided he should head back before Lily got worried but then he remembered he'd have to face James, great, he wanted to crawl in a hole and just die there to hopefully escape the stupid Marauder but sadly he couldn't do that. He had to be there for Lily, as much as he hated how she was treated because of her blood status, he knew well enough that Lily Evans is perfectly capable of taking care of herself even from her ungodly older sister Petunia Evans. Neither of them was weak, they were able to defend themselves should the situation call for it but instead they chose to ignore the insults. They can survive that just like they have anything so far, they were 16 not young children who needed a parent's protection, not like he's ever gotten that from his own. They didn't need to fire off a defensive spell when they could use their words, sarcasm is one of his greatest attributes. 

Begrudgingly of course, he made his walk through the forest however he stopped when he tried to figure out which was, he came in and muttered a curse under his breath. "Just great" muttering he just decided to try and find a way somehow to get back to the castle, Marlin knows he needs some food since he skipped out on lunch trying to hide. Wandering around he kept his eyes open looking for the exit to the castle when he suddenly heard leaves crunch somewhere nearby, spinning around quickly he grabbed his wand to use as defense if the one making leaves crunch was a dark creature. "Who's there? Show yourself now!" demanding he kept his eyes stoned and ready, but it was a dark creature that peeked from behind a tree but the face of a stag, an oddly tall stag. 

He blinked and lowered his wand. "Oh, it's just a deer" the stag of course huffed as if offended but came from behind the tree looking at Severus with a head tilt. Severus slightly followed the tilt as they looked at one another but he soon shook his head and turned around, putting his wand away and once again tried to find the exit he left the stag behind, and the stag wandered off on its own. 

The stag however had a reeling mind. Did he just see Snivellus? He glanced back to where he saw the Slytherin and then looked back forward before he walked into a tree and got his antlers stuck in the branches. 



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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