Stuck with a stranger

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Kylee Adams was in a rush to meet her lover who she made plans with on New Year's. I should take the stairs said Kylee. She was leaving her sister's apartment all dressed up in red. She had on a long sleep dress that stopped to her mid thy experience her white stockinged with a black coat over her and a matching black hat over her blonde goddess braids. She was a little tipsy causing her to fall as soon as the elevator opened. She saw a tall black man whose skin was a shade lighter than hers, he had dark brown eyes but unlike any person with dark brown eyes, you could see them. He had a beard on with an emerald green hat on his head, that matched his coat and dress shows he had on with these black suede pants. He had a scent of Ocean Breeze Musk and men's Dove body wash. Kylee almost got lost in his scent as she stumbled upon him her face almost buried in his chest. "Um, Miss are you alright? Kylee finally comes to her senses and she's embarrassed when she looks into his brown eyes. "Oh my gosh! "Oh my gosh I am so embarrassed, I had a little too much to drink. The man just laughs. "It's okay he says in a nice deep yet soothing voice, it's New Year's eve why not enjoy it, right? Kylee smiles looking like a doll with her red lipstick that matched her dress. "Right she said. The stranger felt like Kylee's smile warmed his heart on the inside. "So what are you doing on New Year's? He asked. "I'm going to spend time with someone who is kind of special to me. "A dear family member?  The man was hoping. "He's my lover. For some reason, the man felt like he got rejected. "Oh, you must love him to call him your special person. "Or he could be mentally challenged. Kylee joked. The man couldn't help but laugh. Well, this is my stop Kylee said,  but the elevator doors wouldn't open. Kylee pressed the button to let her off but it wouldn't budge. Kylee presses it again and again but it wouldn't open. The man noticed himself. He tried to see if the elevator doors were closed tight and they were. Kylee began to panic. "It's going to be okay I'm sure there is just a misunderstanding. Kylee reached in her purse to call for help after ten minutes went by but she left her phone at her house. She turns around to see the man on the phone. He's already speaking to the operator. He gave the address and help was on its way. "I have good news he said. "Please tell me they're on their way now. "Yes but the bad news is we will be here for a while. Kylee sighed. "Well at least hell is on the way. "Yes,we just have to think positively. "You're right. Kylee said. "So do you want to watch something on Netflix on my phone to kill time? "I don't see why not. The two ended up watching Nightmare on Elm Street. The two laughed at how funny everyone screamed and ran. "Man why is Nightmare on Elm Street funny to me now when I was a child I was terrified. "Me too. The man said. The two didn't realize how close they were to each other as they watched the movie on the man's phone. "If only we had popcorn. "With extra butter.  The man was enjoying Kylee's company but before they could talk about anyone else the elevator door opened bt two tall firefighters opened the doors with tools they made sure the two were okay.  "It was nice meeting you sir Kylee said. "You too. The man said wait what time is it? Kylee panicked. It's 12:10 said one of the firemen. Before the man could say anything else Kylee rushed to her car. The man just smiled as he slightly nodded his head. "What a beauty. "Lucky you huh? The man slightly smiled. Sadly she has someone. "Call me crazy but I feel like that was meant to happen.  The firefighter walked off. "Who knows? Said the man. As he walked to his car hoping to see Kylee in the parking lot. But she was nowhere in sight

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