Who is She?

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Willow's POV

It's been 3 weeks since I found out I had superpowers. It's been the weirdest 3 weeks of my life. It's hard to control invisibility when you are kinda an introverted person. But shapeshifting is being good to me and not crazy.

I eventually found out that Captain Man had a lair on the top of a mountain that was also disguised as a school.. I also found out that he is currently training a group of kids called Danger Force. If you guys are wondering how i know about this, I have my ways and I do my research. And by that I mean sneaking into the new school, which is apparently called SWAG (Swellview Academy of the Gifted?) So I compiled a plan. First I will barge in there. Then I will show them my powers and then they will have to accept me.

I went downstairs to ask the question I never thought I would ask.

"Hey dad", I said.

"Yeah, Silly Willy?" My dad answered as he was drinking his coffee.

"Can you drive me to the Swellview Academy of the Gifted? I got my acceptance form.", I quickly lied. This feels really weird.

He immediately answered. "Of course you can. It's already been a few weeks and you need to be in a school already." He puts a grin on his face that showed 'this is weird for you.' I just smile back and give him a hug.

I put on black jeans with a purple crop top and a baggy black jacket. I've never been this excited for school, even though this isn't a school. But it's ok!

My dad went and got his keys and we were already on our way to the school. After some apparent traffic that some dumb idiot caused, we made it 30 minutes later.

"Bye, Dad." I get out of the car, looking at the school with great confidence. It is a very fancy looking school and big, too.

"Bye, Willy." He gives a loving kiss on my forehead and drove away, with a big smile on his face.

I got a bit nervous, but I remembered that this is for the best and it will all be ok.

"Ok, Willow, this is thw moment you will join Danger Force.", I whisper to myself as im walking to the front of the entrance.

I ring the doorbell.  I expected them to open it immediately, but they took almost 5 minutes. Finally a short, bald man opens the door.

"Hello!", the man greets me.

I enter shyly and see the kids looking all at me. They look very confused. Ok, Willow, this is your chance. You can do this.

"Hey, my name is Willow Johnson and I'm looking for Captain Man." They all look at each other  and then start suddenly laughing.

"Pfft, where are you going to find Captain Man in this very normal school?"A middle aged man who looked like the "teacher" replied with a nervous look on his face.

They keep laughing sarcastically. "Why would you need to see Captain Man?" A girl with long braids also looked nervous and the rest of her classmates as well.

"Well, I need to see Captain Man because I can do this." I inhaled and boom! I was invisible.

They all stared at me with shocked faces with disbelief in their eyes.

"Wait. Wait. WAIT." , the girl with long hair in braids asked me. "You also have powers?!",
she said to me in a shocked voice. "I thought we were the only ones that got powers."

"Well, it's a long story." At the side of my eye, I see a girl with a brown pixie cut that caught my attention. She looked so gorgeous. Along with her, was two boys: one who had fair skin and light brunette hair and the other one had long, dark braids that looked related to the other girl. .

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