ink & error part 3

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One day, Ink came home crying, and Error was there to comfort him. Error was worried, and he tried to ask Ink what had happened, but Ink wouldn't answer him. Ink just buried his face in his palms and shook his head, his sobs wracking his body.

Error held Ink tightly, rubbing circles on his back and whispering comforting words to him. He wanted to help Ink, but he didn't know how.

After a while, Ink calmed down enough to speak. He turned to Error, wiping away his tears, and told him what had happened.

"I was at the store, and someone started harassing me," Ink said, his voice trembling.

Error felt a strong surge of anger towards whoever had hurt Ink. He knew that he needed to reassure Ink that he was there for him no matter what. "I'm so sorry, Ink. No one should ever make you feel like that. You have my full support, and I'll always be here for you," Error said, his voice filled with compassion.

Ink felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that Error loved him and that he had his support no matter what challenges they faced. "Thank you, Error. You always know how to make things better," Ink said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Through everything, Ink and Error's love only grew stronger. They encountered challenges and faced them together, emerging stronger and more committed than ever before. They knew that their love was unbreakable and that they were meant to be together, no matter what life threw their way.

As days passed, Ink's anxiety faded away. He was able to get back to his usual self, and his enthusiastic nature returned. But one day, he decided to take matters into his own hands and show Error who had harassed him at the store.

Ink brought Error along with him to the store and pointed to the person who had harassed him. Error was taken aback when he saw who it was. It was an old acquaintance of his, who had never been pleasant towards Ink.

Error walked over to the person, his voice firm. "What you did was wrong. You had no right to harass Ink like that," Error said, his words precise and honest.

The acquaintance tried to defend himself, but Error wasn't having any of it. He made it clear that he wouldn't tolerate any behavior that made Ink uncomfortable or upset.

From that day on, Ink and Error knew that they had each other's backs, no matter what challenges they faced. Their love was unbreakable, and they were committed to standing up for each other, no matter what the circumstances.

Ink and Error were on a date to the trampoline park. They were having a great time bouncing around and laughing together. However, as they progressed through the park, Ink began to feel as though someone was watching him. He began to get scared and distracted, unable to concentrate on the activity.

Error noticed that Ink's behavior had changed and he became concerned. "Is everything alright, Ink?" Error asked, his voice filled with worry.

Ink nodded, but his body language conveyed otherwise. He was still frightened, and he couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching him. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and went to Error for comfort.

"Something doesn't feel right. I feel like someone is watching me," Ink said, his voice trembling.

Error hugged him tightly, comforting him with his presence. He scanned the area to see if he could spot anyone suspicious, but he couldn't see anyone.

"I'm here for you, Ink. Let's go somewhere else if you're not feeling safe here," Error said, his voice soothing.

Ink nodded, still feeling uneasy. They left the trampoline park and went to a nearby restaurant, where Ink was able to relax a bit more.

Even though Ink was happy to be out of the trampoline park, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was still watching him. Error was by his side every step of the way, assuring him that everything was going to be okay.

As they headed home, Ink was finally able to relax a bit more. Although he wasn't sure what had caused his discomfort in the trampoline park, he was grateful to have Error by his side. He knew that they would always be there for each other, whether in good times or in bad.

Despite leaving the trampoline park, Ink couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. He felt like someone was following him and Error, no matter where they went. He tried to shake off the feeling, but it seemed to persist, making him more anxious and nervous by the second.

Error noticed the change in Ink's behavior and could tell that something was wrong. "Ink, are you okay? You seem more nervous than before," Error said, his voice filled with concern.

Ink nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. He felt like someone was following him, and it was making him more and more anxious.

Error knew that he needed to help Ink. He took hold of Ink's hand and began to walk a little bit faster, trying to get them out of the open and into a more secluded area. He wanted to keep Ink safe and see if anyone was truly following them.

As they walked, they couldn't see anyone following them, but Ink could still feel eyes on him. Error hugged him tightly, trying to comfort him with his presence.

"I'm here for you, Ink. No matter what happens,

After the emotional exchange, Ink and Error walked hand-in-hand, feeling lighter and free. They decided to leave the timeline and explore the multiverse. They were done being watched like subjects under a microscope.

As they walked, they marveled at the different worlds and timelines they passed through. They laughed at the silly ones and frowned at the darker ones, but they enjoyed each other's company. Time was relative, and they lost sense of how long they were walking.

But suddenly, they heard a familiar voice calling out to them. They turned around, expecting to see the observer, but it was someone they knew even better- their friends from the multiverse.

"Hey there, Ink! Error!" Sans called out, waving a lazy arm. "We haven't seen you in a while. How's it going?"

Ink and Error grinned as they walked over to their friends. It was nice to see a friendly face again.

"Hey, Sans! It's been a while since we visited the multiverse," Ink replied.

As they caught up on the latest gossip of the different timelines, Ink and Error couldn't help but feel grateful to have such a supportive community around them. They realized that the multiverse was their home, and their friends were their family.

Ink and Error didn't feel like they were being watched anymore, but that was simply because they didn't need to feel that way anymore. They knew that they were loved and supported, and that was all that truly mattered.

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