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Inosuke was sitting on his bed. Scrolling through his phone. He opened instagram and saw this drop dead beautiful girl. He messaged her. Saying "hey." she replied almost instantly "hey!" And they talked for a few hours. They eventually exchanged snap chats. They talked for weeks. They both eventually fell in love. But  both to shy to admit it.. Aoi was giggling and kicking her feet. She was texting with Inosuke. Her sister shinobu walked in. "What's got you acting like a idiot?" She said with her usual tone. Aoi just sighed. "Nothing." "Ohhh who's got you like that? A boy at school?" "No." "Hmm..crush?" "Maybe.." aoi said. Looking away due to the blush on her face. Shinobu giggled and sat next to her. "You know you can tell me." "I know.." "then spit it out!" "Well..i met this guy on instagram..we call and talk all day..but he lives in Japan and we live in Greece.." "what a bummer.." "I know right..it's like no matter what I do no guy likes me or doesn't live in the same country!.." "can't help ya there. Good luck!" "YOUR NO HELP." Shinobu left and closed the door. Aoi just screamed I to her pillow. How frustrating. Aoi just rolled on her back and sighed. Why was life so hard? It didn't need to be. Everything was so complicated. When aoi was having her moment Inosuke was waiting for aoi to reply. Soon aoi replied.

Aoi🌏: Hey ino, sorry! I was dealing with my sister.

Ino🥓: Np! It's all good.

Aoi🌏: thanks ino. Your the best.

Ino🥓: ikr

Aoi🌏: remind me to never compliment you again dummy!

Ino🥓: Noted short stack.(■_■)


Ino🥓: Wait

Aoi🌏: hm?

Ino🥓: when's your b-day?

Aoi🌏: Dec 3rd. Why? ( A/N I MADE HER HAVE MY B-DAY HAHA)

Ino🥓: just thinking.

Aoi🌏: _

Ino🥓: dang calm down . Don't want you to be shorter.


Ino🥓: Okay ms braces.

Aoi🌏: Boy what got my braces got to do with this?

Ino🥓: idk-

They talked for a few hours then Inosuke had to go. Aoi went to kanae for advice. "Kanae?..can I come in?" "Of course darling! Come on in!" "Thanks." Aoi walked in. She sat down. "I need advice.." "on what my butterfly?" "I like a guy..but he lives in Japan." "So long distance crush?" "Yes.." Aoi was on the verge of tears. "Oh dear..don't cry.." Kanae opened her arms. Aoi immediately hugged her. You could tell this had been bothering her. She just cried in her elder sisters arms. Kanae was patting her back. Telling her it would be okay. Kanao poked her head in. She was concerned. She hugged aoi. She wasn't very good at emotions. But she knew she loves aoi. And deeply. So she was concerned when aoi seemed distraught. She just hugged her. "It will be okay.." Kanao said..she didn't flip a coin?..wow..that's surprising. After a bit they all calmed down a bit. Kanae gave aoi some advice. "Follow your heart. It will show you the truth. The right path. The love that will last. A love thicker then the harsh sea. Delicate as a butterfly's wings. Dangerous as a boar." Aoi took those words to heart..Inosuke was at tanjiros. Talking to him about how he hates love. "You will find someone one day Inosuke! Don't worry!" "Whatever.." he scoffed. He hated love since to him it didn't make sense. Why did he love pigtails?..she probably has a boyfriend. She's beautiful. So he would never have a chance. It's like he just tuned his heart out. Ignored the feelings. Something he would later regret.
Sorry it was so short! I was low on motivation!😓

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