Chapter 6: Guilt

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"Which island today, Mr. Wublin Waker?" Ailura asked, finding a nice secluded spot to open the next portal. "Water Island. I don't have many eggs left, so it shouldn't take long." Basilio replied, making mental notes of which eggs he'd already gotten.

I just need a PomPom, a Reedling, and a Shellbeat, and then I'll be good to go. "Hey Ailura, is the Skyship finished yet?" He asked as the Ghazt worked on the portal to Water Island. "That can wait, you've got eggs to zap or whatever." She shoved him through the portal as soon as it was done, and he landed on the nursery floor with a grunt.

Somehow managing to get himself up, he shook away the dust and dirt and looked around. I hope no one heard me fall. Ailura's surprisingly strong, not many monsters could shove a full-grown T-rox like that. Basilio was pretty big for an adult T-rox too. Maybe that was why so many monsters respected him, he had the look of a natural leader, but looks don't mean everything. Basilio had earned the other monsters' respect fair and square, and he knew it.

Now to find that Shellbeat... There weren't many Shellbeat eggs around, and none were orphaned. Of course, Shellbeats are rarer than most. But I can't just take eggs, at least ones that aren't orphaned already. That's different. Somebody wants this egg.

He didn't have time to question his morals. He had to grab this egg and not get caught. If he left it behind to wait for an orphaned egg, he would lose precious time, and possibly all those eggs if they went bad. I'm sorry. He gently grabbed the egg, careful not to crush it in his powerful jaws, and he zapped it away.

The reality really sunk in once the egg disappeared. I've stolen an egg. I've taken somebody's future child for my own selfish reasons. Basilio was not a monster that cried often. Sure, he would sometimes get angry and thrash around, or sometimes mope in his room for days when he was sad, but he almost never outright cried. He was tough, both physically and emotionally, but not now.

Now, he cried. It was silent, even in his sadness he couldn't let anyone discover him. I told Ailura I wouldn't be long. He pushed himself off the ground again, stepping back through the portal.

"I can't do it." He told her as soon as he returned. "I can't do this anymore. I can't keep taking eggs." His voice was rising, almost roaring at the poor Ghazt.

"Hey hey hey, what happened big guy? Why are you giving up so soon?" Ailura grabbed him by the shoulders again to steady him, looking into his eyes. "Tell me what happened."

"I've only been taking orphaned eggs, I didn't have the heart to do otherwise, but..." His voice cracked. "...This time, there were none. I needed a Shellbeat, and there were hardly any Shellbeat eggs, and all of them had parents and families that wanted them and I stole one- I didn't have a choice! It was either steal the egg or sabotage everything we worked for!" He cried out.

Ailura was silent for a minute, not saying a word. Her orbs circled around them both, the portal long closed by now. "Listen, Basilio." She began. "If you didn't take that egg, then you would have wasted all the others. The orphaned eggs could have been just as wanted, yet you still took those. Point is, sometimes you've gotta shove morals to the side for the moment. Look at the bigger picture. Your partner found a way to create life, and you're helping them. Sometimes... sacrifices have to be made. It sucks, yeah, but it's true."

He didn't reply, almost limp in her arms. "But if you really can't do it, just tell me the rest of the eggs you need and I'll do it myself." That earned her a reply from the still crying dinosaur. "No, I'll do it. It's easier for me to do it." Ailura smiled softly at his response, wiping away his tears. "That's the spirit! Pun unintended." She gestured to her own ghostly appearance, making Basilio giggle like he was Chomp's age.

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