The motel

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It was getting late by the time we reached a motel. All of us were tired at that point so we agreed to stop for the night. It was a nice motel, better than the ones I had seen before. When we walked in, the girl at the desk looked up and asked us how many were staying. She looked to be in her early thirties with green and black hair.

"Three please.", Luke said in a very gruff but nice voice to the woman. I could tell he was putting on an act because he was never this nice to me. But I guess when you're trying to get a room you have to act nice.

"That'll be seventy dollars a night. Here's your key, have a good night." She said in a very bored tone. I wonder how long she had worked here. And if talking to kids like us ever got frustrating.

"We will only be here for the night. Thank you and I'll pay you in the morning when we leave." Luke said so matter of factly it was like he knew she would be there in the morning. As we walked to our room I noticed two things. One it was really quiet if you were to drop a book it would echo. And two no one was around which was strange. When we finally made it to the room it looked nice. It had two soft beds and two nightstands against one wall. And on the other wall was a TV. The bedspread had a floral pattern on it and there was a matching rug on the floor. When I stepped into the room I immediately went to the bathroom to get changed out of my sweaty clothes. We had been traveling for a couple of days now riding on the same bus. So we hadn't exactly stopped anywhere to get changed or eat. When I walked out of the bathroom both siblings were on the two beds gently snoring. Which was a clear sign they were sleeping so I opted for the floor. Because I did not feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as either of them as we had just met. But before I went to bed I finally ate something. And as I finished I passed out for the first time in days. In my dream, I was walking down a dark and lonely hallway. There was a door at the end of it. As I got closer to the door it started to glow, but just as I got my hand on the knob I started to fall. I continued to fall for what seemed like minutes then a voice spoke to me.

"Find me, little hero. Help me rise to the great being I used to be. And I promise your mom gets what she deserves. She will live a happy and healthy life until the day she dies." The voice coaxed. I didn't know who it was so I didn't respond. But the voice kept on repeating promises if I helped it. But even if all these promises did come true I wouldn't help this person rise. Because the sound of its voice was evil.

"No. I will not help you rise." I finally told them. It took the voice a second to realize I said no.

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