Finding who I am

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When I woke up I noticed I wasn't on the ground anymore I was in one of the beds. At first, I thought Emma had moved me and taken the floor instead. But when I turned she was still laying on the other bed sleeping. Which could only mean one thing. Luke had woken up and seen me on the floor. So he decided to move me to the bed and take the floor himself. But when I sat up I noticed he wasn't on the floor sleeping. He was wide awake and watching TV. "Hey. How long have you been up?" I asked, generally curious.

"Ever since I found you sleeping on the floor. Why didn't you wake me up? I would've taken the floor so you weren't so uncomfortable." He said in the kindest way I had ever heard him talk to me. I had to ponder on this because I didn't know.

"I didn't wake you up because you were sleeping so softly I didn't want to disturb you. And besides, the floor wasn't that uncomfortable." I paused trying to continue the conversation. "Have you eaten anything yet? Because I can go get something if you want me to." I responded in equally the same tone just with a hint of concern.

He noticed this and responded with, "I haven't eaten anything. Can I go with you?" I could tell he was a little tired but he kept a straight face.

"Sure, let's just leave a note so Emma knows where we are going," I said as I picked up a notepad and started to write the letter. After I finished we left the room and started the walk.

"So, why did you guys come to get me? Am I in some kind of trouble?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. There was a brief silence before he responded.

"We came to get you because you are in danger. These other people were trying to get you. So we had to make a scene. Sorry about that.", he said in a very serious voice.

"How was I in danger? If I may ask.", I questioned. I wondered if this had anything to do with the fact that every year something bad has happened to me.

" I am going to tell you something and you can't laugh. You are a witch. Meaning the leviathan are trying to kill you while they still can. We don't know who your father is. Or what kind of witch you are. But we do know that he is a witch." He revealed. In my head, this sort of did but didn't make sense. Weren't witches just a myth? But to Luke and his sister, they were not.

"Ok. Two questions. What is the leviathan and what do you mean I'm a witch?" I asked, starting to freak out. Because if this is real then that explains why my father was never around. My mom told me he still loved me but needed to be away because of a job.

"Ok first take deep breaths and don't freak out. Two, the leviathan is a group of evil witches and mortals trying to kill us. And three you'll get used to being called a witch. But that means you have a father with wiccan powers. And a mother that does not. So congratulations you're a witch." He said in a sarcastic tone. I wasn't in the mood to hear his sarcastic comments. So I sped up a little so he had to jog to keep up with me.

"Hey! Wait, we're walking together, remember? Not alone!" he yelled at me. I wasn't listening though. He did not understand that I needed time to process this by myself, not with him being sarcastic. We walk in silence for a while until we make it to a small supermarket. It was quite busy for a supermarket.

"Ok, Luke you go find snacks and I will find actual meals. Got it?" I said through gritted teeth. I hate to admit it but when someone angers me I hold a grudge. I'm pretty sure my dad, whoever he is, gave me that trait.

"Ok, we'll meet each other back here in ten minutes." He said while thinking about something. He then walked away leaving me standing there thinking about what we needed.

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