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12:06 a.m.

"can we make this quick, i have a test tomorrow." ja'lani asked while slurping on her slushy leon had bought for her.

"girl fuck dat test. this shit right here more important then a fucking text." leon mugged her. he knew that ja'lani didn't like being talked to like that. especially if it came from leon.

"you don't have to talk to me like that." she mumbled turing towards the window looking at the rain falling down the car window.

leon sighed turing towards her. "cookie i love you and all but you gotta stop actin like a baby, aight?" he moved her curly bundles out of her face.

she ignored him and continued to slurp on her slushy. she also hated being called a baby and childish. she thought of herself more of an mature 17 year old girl.

"aight let's go." leon got out slamming the door. rolling her eyes, lani also got out dropping her now empty slushy on the ground.

they walked to the back of the old black bmw leon's dad gave him on his 17th birthday last year.

leon unlocked the trunk with the key and got out two big duffle bags and two ski masks. they put them on then put the bags over their shoulders.

"aight so you see that light coming from the room right there?" slim pointed to the window where you could see a light coming from behind the curtains at. lani nodded.

"i want you to kill whoever it is in there and take everything that look worth selling." he told her. leon had ja'lani kill more than once before.

the first time she ever kilt someone was when they went on their first heist which was in richmond where an old man tried to choke her out.

she had picked up a piece of glass and stabbed him right in the neck. of course she was traumatized, what 15 year old girl wouldn't be?

"aight let's get in and get out." leon grabbed a hold of lani's hand, running to the back of the house.

they found the back door and lani picked it with an bobby pin. getting out of her squatting position, lani pushed open the big white door and walked inside of the nicely decorated house with leon on her tail.

"go ahead and go upstairs." leon whispered just incase someone was downstairs. lani nodded, quietly making her way up the stairs.

as she did, she looked at the many pictures on the walls that contained a white family. a man, a women, with three little boys and one girl, including a dog.

opening the middle door that the light was coming from, she seen the same white man she'd seen in the pictures. but he wasn't alone.

"what the hell kinda kinky shit this nigga into?" lani scrunched her face up at the sight of the old man getting spanked by some lady who wasn't his wife. taking out the silencer, she quickly attached it to the handgun leon gave her.

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