Chapter 12

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Ally's POV

"Ally why can't you get it through your head?!" He yells furiously.

It's dark I can't see anything and the last thing I remember was being by a lake. I have no idea where I am and I can't hear Jayzie.

"You know you were something. Too bad your my mate because I don't have the ability to love people. Want to know why?" He asked. I don't respond scared of what he'll do if I say something.

"I lost all of my family in a fire started by my own mate's father. Ya your father is the reason my two little sisters and my mom and dad are dead. My sister were 5 and 2. Didn't even get to see what the world is like. That proves to me that this world is cruel and unforgiving. I'm going to make your dad pay for what he did to my family and that's simply why I can't love you. Good bye Ally." I hear clicking and then I feel something cold come to the back of my head.

I know exactly what is it no question about it. The sad thing is I never really got to know my mate. Liam. Why do we have to be intertwined like this. Why me? Moon goddess why me? Why can't I have a happy life with my mate? Like my parents had.

Then he pulls the trigger.

All I hear is screams. Are those screams mine? I hear feet pounding against the wood stairs running towards my door. I didn't realize I was crying till I felt the salty drops on my lips.

My door bursts open and there stand my one and only, mate, Alpha Liam. He scans the room looking for threats till his eye have landed on me. He starts to slowly walk over to me. Almost like he has never seen a girl cry and scream before. He doesn't walk further into the room just stands there in the door way with his hand gripping the wood frame. 

We sit there and just stare at each other, tears streaming down my face wishing he would do anything but just stand there and wanting to throw these sheets off and run into his arms and just cry. Sadly, those both are dreams and this is my reality, the cold, heartless mate who will never love me. 

Jade finally comes running to my door shoving past Liam and to my bedside. 

"Shhhh, it's okay Ally it was just a nightmare. It's over breath with me. Big deep breath on three ready 1-2-3." She takes a deep breath in and I struggle with her, my eyes still on Liam.

Just walk in... I want you Liam.. 

Those are the last words I think as I watch him retreat from my door and slip into a sleep wrapped in the arms of my only family left.


My head was cloudy this morning when I woke up. All I remember was waking up in Jade's arms and the slight memory of Liam walking away from me when I needed him. The rest of the morning is foggy. I am currently outside in the backyard in some sweats and a tank top just sitting in the grass staring into the woods. 

How badly I want to just run through the forest and just disappear from this place and never look back and just dig myself a hole and wait to be reunited with my parents. I hear the sliding glass door open and close and then see Jade sit down next to me.

"Want to talk about it?" She asks.

"He killed me..."

"Who?" She asks clearly shocked, knowing that most of my nightmares are all the possible ways our moms died.

"Liam.. He said something about how my dad killed his sisters and parents in a fire and how he was going to make them pay.. He then put a barrel to my head and pulled the trigger.."

She was speechless for a good 30 seconds before she wrapped me in a hug.

"Ally he would never do that. His wolf would die with you and Liam would shrivel into nothing until his body couldn't do it anymore."

"I know that but why do I still feel like he would do that? I feel like there is a truth in what he said to me. I didn't know my dad and I know nothing about Liam. He could be the only survivor from his family and I happen to be his mate, the girl whose father took everything from him. I have no idea if it's true or not and I won't know because he doesn't want me. He doesn't care about me he will never love me." I state pulling my knees to my chest and resting my head on them.

"Ally mates can't kill their mates, no matter what their family did to theirs. You had nothing to do with the death of his family even if what he told you in your dream is true. He should be able to look past that and love you for you."

"I know that Jade but we are talking about the Alpha of the Silver Blood pack. The most ruthless pack in history, present and future. I can't be a leader to that, and he doesn't want me to be his other half and help lead this pack. So why not just get rid of me?"

"Because he physically can't." Is all  she says before she hugs me one last time gets up and walks back inside.

Why do I have to doubt the Moon goddess? She never makes mistakes right? So why do I feel like she did?

A/N: Hey guys hope you like. I changed this chapter a lot. I think I'm going to throw in a little Liam's POV. Vote and comment. Love you guys. *muah*😘😘😘😍😍😍

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