Chapter 15

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Above is Rick

Ally's POV


My alarm wakes me up and I can barely move. My body is as stiff as a nail and so sore. I slowly roll over and struggle to get out of the soft comfortable bed of mine. I walk to my bathroom and take a warm shower trying to relax my muscles before I have to meet Jade and the others down at the gym.

I get ready in just an oversized T-shirt and tie it in the front and some black leggings and tennis shoes. I take the elevator because there is no way in hell I am walking down the stairs from the 6th floor. 

Walking into the kitchen, I see Liam sitting at the bar eating some pancakes and eggs. I quickly avert my eyes to the floor and walk towards the fruit bowl sitting next to him to grab an apple. I can feel his gaze burning through me. I reach for the apple and sparks fly from my wrist up my arm. I look up through my eyelashes and see his hand grasping my wrist. I slowly look up to his beautiful brown eyes that are burning holes into my blue ones. 

"What are you wearing?" He asked biting back the words clearly pissed off.

"Um, Clothes." I answer short and sweet ripping my wrist from his tightening grip. 

"Go change." He says ripping his eyes away from mine.

"How about you go shove it so far up your ass you have to fish it out." I say, roll my eyes and grab my apple and start to walk towards the front door. 

In one second I go from confidently walking towards the door to swiftly being pinned to the wall. Sparks fly everywhere around me and in my body. He has my hands pinned above my head and I can feel his breath on my neck. His body is pressed against mine keeping me from moving at all.

"Do not talk to me that way sweet mate, you might not like what happens next." He threatens me in a whisper. 

I should be scared of him right now, but that is not the case. I feel the complete opposite. I can feel his hard muscles along my soft but sharp curves and they fit together perfectly. I should feel small standing next to him but I don't. I should be shitting my self but I'm more turned on than scared, and that is what scares me the most.

 He doesn't even want me so why does he have the right to tell me what to wear.

"Frankly, I could careless what you would do to me because you do not want me physically or emotionally and I am only here to keep your wolf happy. So Alpha Liam," I spit at him, "What are you going to do about it?" I say glaring into his soul.

I wiggle my way out of his grasp and walk out the door and to the gym because I am already late for training. I walk through the doors with a new fire under my butt and jump into the ring that the five of them are standing at.

"Rick get your ass in here." I tell him getting into a fighting position.

"Umm, alright gorgeous." He says and gets into his stance.

We circle each other like yesterday, but this time I strike first, hard and fast. He didn't see my leg coming towards his torso and was knocked to the side. I didn't give him time to recover before I send a fist to his face clipping him in the jaw. After that punch I was gone. I let go. 

Before I knew it he's was on the floor with a black eye and a bloody nose. I had sweat running down my face and I could feel his blood on my fists and smell it in the hair. He didn't even get a single punch in. I leave him there and jump out going straight to lifting weights.

The fire in my veins pushes all the soreness away and I lift twice as much as I did yesterday with no struggle. I don't know what triggered my drive today, maybe it was the encounter with Liam or maybe it's something deeper than that. Maybe it's the fact that I want to show him that he can't just push me around and tell me he doesn't want me and then try to tell me what to do. Yes, I am his mate, but he has not earned the title to be my soulmate.

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