Chapter Twelve: Harvest

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'Act Six'



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Crystal is sat beside Caroline who's playing with her hair "Teen Wolf" playing the background

"You are obsessed with that show!" Damon says

"It's amazing!" Crystal defends

"What's it even about?" Enzo asks confused never having heard of it before. Let alone what Netflix is

"I feel bad for you. You've never even heard if Netflix before" Caroline says and Enzo huffs

"How's Davina?" The redhead asks

"Threatening Marcel" Hermione tells her making Crystal laugh

"He deserves that" Crystal chuckles and Hermione nods grinning

"You very much do" Davina utters and Marcel frowns

"Marcel they're right. You've been using me. I was go caught up in trust to see that. Now I do" Davina tells him

"I was trying to protect you" Marcel tells her feeling guilty

"Yes I know. But it lead to this" Davina tells him

"Your smoothie, darling" Sirius says handing her it and Crystal smiles

"Thanks, Siri" Crystal utters sipping it smiling

Klaus walks In and presses a kiss to Crystal head

"How you feeling?" Klaus asks

"Like shit" Crystal sags and Klaus pouts at her

"I'm just saying. I'm pregnant" Crystal tells him making him kiss her cheek

"Horrible. The sickness has somewhat you wanna take over the rest of th3 pregnancy for me?" Crystal asks making the others laugh

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