Chapter Seventeen: Nighty Night

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'Act Seven'

-nighty night-

☆CHARTER SEVENTEEN☆-nighty night-

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Eva/Rebekah are sleeping in the compound, giving both of them free reign of Eva's mind. The space has taken the form of the warehouse where Eva is keeping all of the children she is channeling, and everything has a greenish-hue to it.

"Great, I'm possessed by a kid murder!" Rebekah says in annoyance.

"Better than actually being dead, Bekah." Crystal tells her chuckling.

"She'll probably end up dead." Marcel points out.

"That doesn't help!" Rebekah says in frustration.

"All of us live with a demon inside."

In the space, Eva is skulking around the warehouse, trying to find Rebekah, who has taken the form of her 5-6 year old self in Eva's mind

"Oh, you're so cute!" Davina gushes making Rebekah grin.

"Wasn't I?" Rebekah smiles.

"Gonna be fucking dramatising for the six year old like." Crystal says amused.

"Oh, lovely." Rebekah grumbles.

"REBEKAH MIKAELSON!" Eva yells. Rebekah, who is hiding in a dark corner behind some machinery, gets scared and whimpers as she gets up and runs away.

"YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME FOREVER!" Young Rebekah continues to run away from her in fright.

"Poor you." Damon snorts making Rebekah glare at him.

"Fuck up, or I'll give you something to scream about." Rebekah hisses making Damon put his hands up in surrender.

"Some days, you control the demon."

Young Rebekah runs right into Eva, who grabs her by the arms and shakes her violently

"This is my house!" Eva snarls looking crazed.

"AHHHH!" Rebekah sheiks.

¹Sacrifices|| N.Mikealson S.Black Where stories live. Discover now