Chapter 1

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400 years ago

I was living with my parents, at that time, I was only 10 years old, Ravka was peaceful but the Grishas had to hide. My parents were both Grisha, my mother was a sun summoner and my father a shadow summoner. For many years, they hid their power to not get killed but the king decided to kill Grishas, they were considered like threats. We decided to join a group that was surviving by staying together. That's where I met Aleksander Morozova, a Shadow summoner, he was living with his mother Baghra who had the same power. They helped us feel safe and protected, and I had a new friend. We used to play together, watching the nature, the creatures that were living in. But when we grew up, we had to learn to fight. It was my father that taught us, we learned the different positions, how to use advantage of the weight of our enemy, etc. When we were 20 years, I started to feel something for Aleksander, all the things we shared, the moments, all of it was important for me so I decided to talk to him:

- What are you doing here, alone, in the night?

- I could ask you the same.

- Let's say I felt you and I wanted to join you.

- I don't want you to catch a cold Esfir.

- Oh, come on Alek, I'm fine, must I remind you that even in the cold I can beat you, fingers in the nose?

- Really, you sound too confident, I think.

- Let me show you then!

We both stood up, putting ourselves into fighting position, the moon's light as our only way to see something. He attacked first but I easily avoid him, hitting his legs with my foot to make him fall, which worked. I stood proudly before getting down the same way, my hands pinned by Alex who added:

- A fight is only over when your opponent doesn't move or is dead, did you forget your father's lessons. So, who is now beating you finger in the nose?

- Hahahaha very funny, let go of me my back is freezing.

- Then let's warm it up.

- What?

Then suddenly he kissed me, I didn't move at the beginning, but after I joined him and wrapped my hands around his neck. That's how I knew that I loved him, after that our parents were happy for us. As Etherealki, we are consider as immortal so we have been able to marry even after 400 years. I was happy because finally our life was simple, and we were in peace. If only it could have stayed like that, but unfortunately, demons were already coming to us. Fights after fights Alex and I killed many soldiers of the King's army to defend ourselves, but we lost many friends too during many years. We were the most dreaded among the Grishas, two summoners, one of the shadows and one of the sun, we completed each other. One night, our group decided to move our camp to not be found by the soldiers, while I was helping the others to run away, I looked at the forest to see if Aleksander arrived yet. I saw him riding a horse, I ran and hugged him:

- Are you okay? Did someone attack you?

- I'm fine love, we should hurry up and take every food we can.

We went in the house to bring everything that could be useful, but a part of the army found our hiding place and were all around it:

- Esfir Starkov, Aleksander Morozova, surrender now or we will use force.

- We can't let them take one of us Alek!

- Calm down Esfir, I have a plan, but you will have to listen carefully to what I'm going to say. I will go outside and you will go out by the back door.

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