Chapter 3

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The evening of the Winter Ball arrived, all the guests were there, sent by their leaders to meet the famous Sankta Alina. Baghra's ally gave me a black kefta, obviously it was the only one left! Erina had her own clothes which allowed her to hide her face, before leaving I received the last information:

- Don't forget to take the right passage, I will wait for you behind the board, you will have to try to hold your husband.

- Ex-husband Baghra.

- If my memory is correct, you still have the link of the summoners.

As soon as two summoners got married, they created a bond between them that united them forever, despite the fact that I left him, we are still husband and wife. We left Baghra's cave and I went to the Little Palace, which was full of people, the former summoner had helped me to memorize everything, the Grishas close to Aleksander, Ivan, Zoya and Genya, as well as the plans of the palace, I remembered everything. I walked down a corridor and saw Alina escorted by two guards, did they think I would fall for it? It was a decoy, Genya Safin was a shaper, she had the power to change a person's appearance. But I could feel my sister's power and this Grisha was a Squaller, not a summoner. However, after a few meters, I heard a man's voice calling Alina, it was Mal, I wondered what he was doing here but the most important thing was the rescue. I arrived in front of the room where Alina was supposed to be, as I was about to turn the handle, I saw Ivan coming towards me, I hid discreetly. I heard him talking with Aleksander, he dared to be in the same room as my sister:

- Marie and Genya were attacked in the fitting room.

- Let's go.

- But is it safe to leave the summoner alone?

- Everyone is busy, no one will try anything knowing I'm nearby.

Huge mistake, dear husband, I waited for them to leave and went inside, my sister was looking at the books. She turned around when she heard me coming:

- You are the one who saved me the other time!

- That's because I'm not an ordinary Grisha, let's say we have the same powers you and I, I said, showing my light.

- I knew it but I wasn't sure!

- My name is Esfir and this may come as a surprise to you, but I am your sister.

- What?

- We are the children of Aksana and Mikhail Starkov, they were both summoners, of the sun and the shadow respectively. That's why we have these powers.

- But why...

- Look, we don't have time, we have to get out of here and I promise you, I'll tell you everything.

I led her to the painting where the secret passage was, behind which were our allies. Baghra opened the door and waited for her:

- We have to hurry, the guards might come back quickly.

- Aleksander is busy at the moment, which gives us time.

- But what's going on? Baghra...

I pushed Alina towards the door to speed up, but I could hear footsteps getting closer and closer. My sister went inside and I told Baghra that I would find them, to Erina I gave her a grenade that had my light to blind in case of danger. I closed the passage and Aleksander entered, when he looked up, the astonishment on his face was worth all this operation. He closed the door and walked slowly around the round table that separated us:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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