Chapter 2

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The next day I managed to get a map of the Little Palace and Mal was not wrong, it is a big place and can be protected from all sides, a real fortress. With my current strength I can take care of the defensive lines, but with the rest of the Grishas, it might be more complicated. As I continued to analyze the different possibilities for an attack, a crack of wood made me use my magic:

- Calm down, it's only me!

- It took you a long time to come here Calion, your youth is already leaving you?

- My name may mean luminous but I don't have the same powers as you! The path was full of Fjerdan and a little Ravkan is fun to kill.

- But you're still alive so it all worked out.

- I'm going to put this bet on your debt Esfir.

- If you want, well tell me what you learned in the capital.

- Apparently they are going to present your sister to the Tsar, she will then be trained by the general to destroy the Fold. Everyone already knows about her and calls her Sankta Alina.

- That would be too simple.

- What would?

- Aleksander wouldn't go through all the trouble just to disintegrate his most powerful weapon, it wouldn't make sense.

I knew deep down that this Fold meant more to him, I had to find out what he was planning to do. Calion was a friend, he often helped me, especially to find the tiger or even to hide me. I know I can count on him and vice versa, for a few hours we looked for a way to enter the palace:

- We have only one way, the Winter Ball.

- No, I know how to get inside earlier, but I will do it during the Winter Ball.

- Could you tell me how you plan to pass?

- Baghra, she'll help me to get in, I have no doubt about that and you're going to help me give her a message.

- You really want me dead! I'm not going to risk my butt to go and carry a piece of paper to a place where I'm likely to be arrested and tortured by your ex-husband!

- Even if I promise to buy you a goat?

- Wait, what did you say?

Calion's only weakness is the adorable creature and I know that a little goat will melt him. He held his hand to show his approval and promised me to bring the letter to Baghra. When he left, the only thing I could do was to wait, I couldn't go and get the goat since Mister likes to choose his own pet. So I decided to go to the lake, which was not far away, to wash my things and give my horse water. While I was taking care of my clothes I felt presences all around me. I sighed, there was not a day without them disturbing me:

- Drüsje! (witch)

- Ajor drüskelle! Hje marden? (How are you doing?) You know you could do something else besides chasing me all year long! I bet you're really good at fishing from the way you smell.

- Demjin! (Kill her!)

There were 10 of them in total, as usual, but this time their weapons were different. One of them was a lasso that wrapped around me and closed automatically. Even though it was useless because I melt the material with my magic, it was still a progression in the development of their weapons. One of them managed to hit me in the arm with a blade, causing me to drop to one knee. I created a shield of light but the wound started to hurt and it made sense because there was poison on the dagger. My strength was gradually withdrawn as was my shield, and the Fjerdan came closer, laughing. As I saw one of them raise his sword to strike the final blow, one of them shot an arrow into his back. After this action, all the others turned and growled at him. I got on my knees and shouted:

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