Chapter 1

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Sans was peeking out of the curtain again. A head-tilting peek, brief but straight to the point. His eye sockets blinked as he focused out of the front window. As if expecting someone to be watching.

There probably was someone. Their new neighbors were all the more nosy. Judgemental. While moving in, she heard their sneers about the thick curtains and their gossip about what the new guy could entail. It wasn't a classic suburban neighborhood with a decent community and hope for the children. When Jane had stepped out of the car when they first arrived and did a heavy scan across the houses and faces, she knew it was a battleground. People who compared kids, houses, and salaries. Who hid behind smiles as they insulted you behind your back. That type of neighborhood. A wealthy community, with big luxurious buildings, settled on top of the hill behind a gated community. A tad bit risky for serial killers, but they weren't new to the whole 'living normally' thing anymore. As long as they kept their heads down and certain parts of them out of sight, they'd be fine.

The question was why Sans moved here. Before he had no intentions of moving so quickly. Had been looking for a place that would be good for serial killers. Decent home with a lacking police presence. Instead, they moved here.

She knew something was wrong. She could tell. Something startled the man. He saw something, someone, a month or two ago and suddenly was moving them all a few hours away to the first big house he could land upon. Real nice house, three stories with a basement and a large backyard. Had a hot tub. Expensive as hell, though, which led to Ben and Smile Dog withdrawing a lot of money from a lot of rich people pretty quickly. Covered their tracks nicely, at least.

And something was still wrong with him.

At first, Jane kept her mouth shut. Held a supportive smile whenever he would look at her because she wasn't sure what exactly rattled the man. Made sure to go through the cautions of moving, talking over with everyone what exactly to expect. Their cover story. When to know if an officer has a warrant and how to quickly clean weapons and blood. She had been sure this was just a brief reminder of something, of someone. That it would pass. That he would talk to them because they've already established that expectation.

Then time passed. Sans wasn't doing better. The baby was due any day now and he was still paranoid. At first, she had hoped it was just the unbalanced emotions the Doctor had briefly explained, but it had yet to pass. Sans was scared of something and was hiding it. Uprooted all of their lives to run from something that scared him to no end. He tried to hide it, but nightmares were returning. Harsh nightmares left him breathless in the early morning and with dark circles under his eye sockets.

And there he went again. Another glance. Another peek. Eyeing his porch like someone was going to be standing there.

"Is everything alright, Sans?" Jane asked lightly.

Sans jerked under her words as if she startled him. He turned, swift in his movements to look back down at the baby clothes with her. "Yeah, everything is cool. Why don't we go for the shark onesie? That'd be cute as hell."

"Yeah. Let's do that."

She wasn't quite sure what to do anymore. Should she bring it up? Leave it be? Sans may get better after the pregnancy but he may also get worse. Or stay the same. If it was Slenderman or some police-related threat, he would've spilled as soon as he saw. It wasn't that, though. Sans was keeping it close to his chest, which meant it was personal. From his past. A past he wasn't telling them.

Admittedly, Jane was well aware he was withholding some details. When they talked about their pasts, Sans always held this... look. A sorrowful, empty look. Desperate and terrified, all at once. Did it have something to do with the lab? His deceased Father? No, he would have told her about that. Sans was, for the most part, open about that kind of stuff.

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