Bad Weather (01)

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"-And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remain about the small, overpowered young man who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens o.."
You managed to tune the television Tang was planted in front of, having no interest in the news as it's been all the same for the past week.

You spun on your heel and turned to face MK and Mei, watching them have their playful banter.
"And I was like, "stop there, Demon Bull King!" And D.B.K.'s all like, "you can't stop me! I'm cwazy!!" And then I grabbed my staff-" MK spun the staff around and lifted it above his head dramatically.
"-and whoosh! I created this giant mech!" MK thrust the staff down into the deck of Sandy's boat, immediately causing water to spew from the hole made in the boat.
"Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak, MK!" Mei laughed before clambering over to your side.
"Oh jeez!!" MK put his hands on his head in panic as he tried to cover up the leak, only making it worse...

Pigsy stomped onto the boat, and approached MK, his fists clenched and shaking.
"I just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop... and I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!?"
You sat back on the railing and watch the events unfold, knowing none really have to do with you in the slightest...
Tang laughed and crossed one leg over the other, "oh, Piggy... relax! A little time off never hurt anybody!" Now you were trying to fix the leak in the boat.
"Yeah! A time off off never hurt anybody!" MK mimed Tang, noticing you were trying to fix the leak he pulled you back and started doing it himself, "allow me, N/N!" You playfully roll your eyes.

You looked over to Sandy, who was moving around crates in a crane.. he seemed panicked as he tried to move them around. "Look out!" He bellows as the strong wires snap, hurling the heavy crate right on top of MK.
"MK!" , "KID!!"
You and Pigsy screamed at the same time, you were about to go try and lift the crate but Sandy had held you in place.
You heard a muffled voice beneath the crate as it began to thrash around.
"" MK burst from the crate with a mighty shriek. "-INVINCIBLE!"
Mei was shaking you excitedly, making you dizzy in the long run.
Pigsy sighed in relief.
"Look, MK, just 'cause you got the Monkey King's powers and all, it don't mean-"
You, Tang, Pigsy and Sandy collectively gasp as Mei hulks a massive Bazooka over her shoulder, aiming straight for MK.
"MK! How about this!?" She fired the bazooka, a clean shot right at MK...

And once again, panic ensued.
Pigsy sighed once more, his shoulders went slack.
"Look, kiddo, you're a superhero now. You're going to need—" Pigsy was once more cut off by Mei.
"A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you beat the bad guys!" You felt bad for the swine, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder.
Pigsy's nose scrunched up in slight irritation to him being relentlessly interrupted.
"No! What I was getting at-"
Mei grabbed you by the wrist, dragging you from everyone towards a crate.
"To the sea-crate.. base!" She nudged it with her elbow, making a neon green light emit from inside the crate, opening what seemed to be an elevator.
Everyone was in awe, besides Pigsy who was still distraught by being interrupted... and from you getting snatched away so easily.
Everyone squeezed inside the cramped elevator, to reveal a spacious hangout den with all sorts of cosmetics.
"Woah..!" You were speechless, not even realizing Mei's fingers intertwined with her own.

Mei used her free hand to present to the rest, "welcome to our new team base!"
MK seemed focused on Mei holding your hand, his eyebrows furrowing before he looked back up at Mei in shock.
"Mei, when did you make this?" MK inquired.
"How did you make this?!" Pigsy squealed in shock, a bit freaked out by the girl's quickness to make things without the others knowledge.
Tang leaned over to Sandy with and arched brow, "say, Sandy... weren't you building a secret base for MK, too?"
Sandy averted his gaze and twiddled his thumbs like a guilty child. "Umm.. no."

♡ Fate lies within ♡ yandere!LMK x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin