Skeleton Key (08)

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Deep in the flaming foundry, the Bull Clowns continue to chip away at the intricate tomb they found just below them not too long ago.

One of the Clones noticed a blue smoke waft around them and recite eerie whispers before a sudden explosion sent all of them flying away from the ravine.

The Demon Bull King narrowed his eyes and snarled, "another infernal obstacle keeping me from my destiny." His wife floated over to his side, her eyes iridescent of pity. "Patience, my love." She would coo to him soothingly and laying a hand over his massive one.

"I've been patient long enough! I need that power..." he said, yanking his hand away to slam it on the arm of his throne.

Princess Iron Fan narrowed her eyes towards him, a sharp glare that didn't last long enough for him to take notice. She folded her arms behind her back once again, disappointed that her husband's frustration would disallow her to comfort her husband. "The power that drafted this tomb is beyond my skill. Without an artifact of equal strength, there is nothing we can do. We are locked out." Her soothing voice did very little to calm her fuming husband as they watch the Bull Clones hack and chip away at the ravine.

"Not for long," Redson chimed in proudly, sifting through the holographic screens they'd used before to find the Yeelzebub's a while ago. "All we need is a key. And look what I found." He presented the picture of a key on the screen, the bullets of the key spiraled around in blocky tendrils; and at the very end of it, a skull.

The Demon Bull Family looked at each other, sinister glints on one another's eyes as they configured their plan...


At Pigsy's noodles; You, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and MK we're watching as the city's 'Mayor' spoke at a podium.

"Thank you for this amazing turnout!" He said all too enthusiastically. Every time his eyes raked towards you with that splitting smile you felt a shiver crawl down your spine... there's no way this guy is this city's Mayor. He's so fuckin' creepy.

"Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid, Hero of the city!" Mei cheered on happily, waving a fist in the air with excitement.

"As Mayor, I hereby give Monkie Kid the key to our fair city!" The Mayor spoke like someone who just did several lines of coke... this whole situation just made you so uncomfortable, and it was clear to see in the others—save for MK and Mei—that they shared that feeling.

The Mayor shoved the skull shaped key into MK's hand, making him stumble a bit from the force. "Uhm.. uh— what does this key do, exactly?" He asked meekly; to which the Mayor snapped his head towards MK. Literally. You actually heard the crack in his neck, it was horrifying.

"Oh you'll love this! It has the power to open anything!" The Mayor said gleefully, spreading his arms out and nearly hitting MK in the process.

"Ooh.. anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?!" Mei returned the enthusiasm, leaning against the podium to look at The Mayor.

The Mayor was leaned back from how close Mei was, pushing her away slightly before speaking once again. "Yes! Or the door to the lion's cage, or an orphans piggy bank; an imprisoned mystic power source— whatever you like!" The Mayor trotted along the stage he was on before hopping down with a spring in his step. "Today, you can do no wrong! You've got my permission. 'Cause I'm the Mayor!"

You were about to say something about the "mystic power source" part, but the Mayor quickly draped an arm around you, patting your chest before scrambling off. He really was hyperactive... it didn't sit right with you.

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