~ Notes ~

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a lot of Thanks To Them spoilers, as well as TOH spoilers in general. I suggest you watch the show before reading this

This is one of my first times following through with doing creative writing, so i apologize if the plots are kind of bad  and if the characters aren't exactly like their canon personalities :,)

These stories will include Huntlow, Lumity, Veesha, and Gustholomule, so please don't keep reading if you don't like these ships!!

I use my own pronoun headcanons for the characters, so heres a list so it doesn't get confusing:
Luz: She/he/they
Amity: She/they
Hunter: He/him
Willow: They/she
Gus: He/they/xe
Vee: They/them
Again, if this makes you uncomfortable, please don't keep reading!

Finally, most of these stories will be based off the photos we see in Willows' "Summer Scrapbook" and will take place before Hunter is possessed, and Flaps death.
And with all that out of the way, lets start :]

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