~ Human Rain ~

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The Hexsquad sat in Luz's room together, Hunter stretched out, reading on the carpet with Willow laying besdie him, absent mindedly stroking their palisman as she read over Hunters shoulder.
Luz, Vee and Gus were battling eachother in Super Mario Kart, a "video game" as Luz had described it. Amity had her head in Luzs lap, watching them play and Ms. Noceda was down stairs making dinner. Hunter listened to the three playing their game as he read, their shouts of excitement and frusturation overlapping.
"Cmon Luz thats no fair! How are you so good at this?" Vee whined as they threw down their controller and crossed their arms

"Sorry Vee, i cant tell you." Luz said, smiling and messing with their hair, "its just an older sibling thing, i guess! also you just suck at the game."

Hunter turned his attention towards the two, but didn't put down his book. He didn't want to disturb Willow's reading. They seemed so stressed lately but he noticed she was always visibly more relaxed when she had their nose buried in a book. He wanted them to stay calm. She deserved it.

"Vee, calm down. its not that big of a deal." Hunter said, trying his best to have a "calming older brother" tone to his voice.

Although no one really said it, there was the unspoken agreement that Hunter was a Noceda now, and he took his responsibility as an older sibling seriously. He didn't really know how he became part of the family, but it was kind of Luz's mom to accept him. Luz and Vee had Ms. Noceda to live with in the human realm, and Gus, Willow and Amity had their dads, but Hunter..
he didnt have anyone. Belos had been his only family, so without really bringing it up, Hunter was automatically part of Luz's family now. He didn't mind though. He'd always wanted siblings, anyways. He'd always wanted a loving family.
Luz gasped suddenly, breaking Hunter from his thoughts. He waited for Amity to sit up before she ran to the window and squealed excitedly, flapping their hands wildly as she did. "Guys! its raining!!" he exclaimed, pointing outside. "Cmon, lets go out and see it!"

"Sweet potato, are you crazy? thats dange-" Amity began, but stopped themself. "Right,, we're in the human realm.."
She chuckled awkwardly "it doesnt burn here."

"Why do you want to go outside, anyways? You guys have experienced human rain before when you first came over, right?" Vee asked.

Nobody answered. Hunter wanted to explain to Vee that when they had first came over, Luz had lost King, Hunter had lost his.. someone who used to be close to him, and all of them had been ripped away from their lives. There wasn't really any time to enjoy it. At all.

"Well.. uh, you know, it doesnt matter," Gus cut in, side eyeing Hunter and Luz, not wanting to accidentally offend either of them.
"Cmon, lets go enjoy it. I want me some non-boiling rain!" He exclaimed as xe jumped up.

"Woo hoo! That's the spirit!" Luz exclaimed, and the two raced eachother out of the room.

"Hey wait up!" Vee called after them, transforming into a baskilisk and following them. Amity stood up and Willow followed, and the two went after their friends, Hunter trailing behind them. He was excited to finally experience human rain at a good time, but also.. sad? He'd always thought this moment would be with Belos when they traveled to the human world together like his uncle- no, like he had promised.
He shook his head as he reached the landing of the stairs. "Cmon Hunter," he scolded himself internally, "You know that was all probably a lie. Just enjoy this."
He walked to the doorway and saw Luz and Amity already on the porch.
Luz took her girlfriends hand in hers and gently extended it towards the rain. Amity flinched, terrified of getting burnt but relaxed when only cool water hit her palm. Em wrapped her fingers around Luzs and ran off the porch, spinning in the rain.
Vee was next to leave, practically jumping out of the doorway, no longer in their baskilisk form.
Hunter stepped nervously towatds the porch, planning to leave slowly, but Gus flew into him from behind. "Hi-yah!" they exclaimed, sending them both tumbling off the porch and into the mud. "Ow! Hey!" Hunter said, unable to see from the mud covering his eyes. His back hurt from where Gus kicked him but he couldnt help but smile. All those years training as the Golden Guard and he hadn't seen that coming?
He heard Willow giggle and  the click of her camera going off, and he posed in the direction of the noise, still unable to see.
"You look awesome, Huntz!" They called to him.
He blushed at the nickname, his ears and face heating as his smile grew even larger. It was silly but when she called him that name, he always felt a little happier. He wiped the mud off his face and walked to them, grabbing their arm and pulling her out into the rain with him. Their eyes lit up as the drops fell all around her, seeming to illuminate every beautiful feature of her. Hunter watched adoringly as she reached their hands up to the sky, smiling widely.
He looked around at everyone. Vee and Gus throwing mud at one another, laughing hysterically as they did, Luz and Amity dancing together gracefully, Willow with her arms outstretched, allowing the raindrops to soak them, Ms. Noceda watching them all with a smile on her face.
Yeah, he had planned to experience his first human rain with Belos, as his right hand man on an improtant mission of some sort.
But this?
This was a million times better.

( A/N: Hey everyone ^^ thank you for reading the first part, apologies for the length, I wanted to try and introduce the characters and their feelings of things on the human realm a bit :,) I'm going to be working on this as much as I can but at the moment I am drowning in homework, so I might not be able to write for a bit! Hopefully when I have a bit of free time, I can continue working on this :D
Until then, bye! )

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