~ The "V" in"Vee" stands for Very traumatized ~

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Vee missed going to school.
It was a weird thing to miss, but they couldn't help it. They missed the classes, the work, making friends, getting ready in the morning, all that jazz. But most importantly, they missed not being at the house all day long. Of course, they loved Ms. Noceda like a mother, and they were more than happy to help out around the house, but they missed their old daily schedule. Of course, when they'd told Luz this, he had offered to let Vee go to school in her place again, but they had declined. How could they accept that offer? Luz must already hate them for stealing her idenity for so long, so continuing to do it would just make it worse. Of course, Luz had told Vee that he forgave them, but they were lying, right? There was no way she could have. Not after everything. And besides, there were people to hang out with now. Vee had gotten used to it being just them and their mom, but now there were guests as well. And most of them were easy to get along with. Gus was pretty much the same age as them, and he was funny, so it was easy to be friends with zem, Willow was nice and always brushed Vees' hair in the mornings, and Amity was smart and kind. To Vee, they were fine. There was just one person. The Golden Guard. Or "Hunter" as everyone else called him. When Vee first met him, they hadn't recognized him. Not without his hideous Golden mask. But when they heard his voice, and seen his burning pink eyes, they knew it was him. It was as though they had relived the memory all over again when they recognized him. It felt so real, like they were back once again in the prisons beneath the Emperors castle, being stared at blankly by the Golden Guard. He had looked at them for a long time, only looking away when another voice said, "Come along, Hunter. These creatures could be dangerous if you're around them too long."
Needless to say, Vee didn't like being around Hunter. Whatever room he was in, they didn't want to be near. It was so bad, Vee often ate dinner separately from everone else, just so they didn't have to be at the same table as him. They didn't want to anything to do with him, and they made sure he knew that too.
When Luz got home from school, she greeted everyone, then went up to his room without another word. Amity, Vee and Willow noticed, and exchanged worried glances but didn't saying anything to eachother or follow after them. Hunter and Gus didn't seem to notice, however. Vee confirmed this by glancing over at the two, who were sitting quietly in the corner of the living room, watching the TV screen at the front of the room. Even being on the opposite side of the space, away from Hunter, Vee felt uncomfortable. As though he would suddenly get up and attack them. They tried to focus on the TV again, but now the intrusive thoughts of Hunter running at them invaded their head. Standing up, they muttered something about needing to use the bathroom before going upstairs. They stopped outside Luz's door, which had been a bedroom for all the girls for the past several months, hesitating. Slowly, they knocked on the closed door.
There was a rustling of paper, a second of silence, then a voice. "Come in." Luz said. Vee entered, closing the door behind them. "Oh, hey Vee!" Luz said, smiling at them. She was sitting on their bed, his backpack open to reveal poorly hidden drawings. Vee had seen drawing like that before. Luz often drew Eda the Owl Lady who Vee had only seen on posters, and King, Eda's.. well, Vee wasn't really sure what King was. They had never asked. Vee stood awkwardly for a second, wondering if Luz was the right person to talk to about Hunter. Finally, they made up their mind. She was their sibling after all.
"Luz.. why do you trust that..Golden Guard so much?" They asked.
"Don't judge me for how I want to address him." Vee interrupted, knowing they were going to say something about being respectful. "I just want to know why." Their sibling was quiet for a second, before finally speaking.
"Hunter and I.. we've been through a lot together. He was the one who went through the emperors mind with me, and when you go through something like that, it's.. it's hard not to get attached to someone."

"But he's a bad person! He worked with Belos, and we all know what he did!" Vee responded, their anger rising in them. "He aided Belos in everything!"

"He was a bad person. He's not anymore. I know its hard for you to trust him since you never met the good side of him, but he is a good guy. After all, he's just a kid."

"..How old is he, anyway?"


"What? How did he begin working for the Emperors Coven if he's so young?"

Luz smiled sadly at them. "He didn't have a choice, Vee. All his life, he followed Belos, believing he was doing something good, but we know how that turned out."

Vee went quiet. She processed the information Luz had given her, He was just a kid, used as a weapon against his will. They knew what that felt like. Was he feeling the same pain they were?
"How do I know I can trust him?" They asked at last.

"Maybe hang out with him sometime. You'll see. He's the most humble, kind, and gentle persom I've met. Besides Amity." Vee and Luz giggled.

A few hours later, Camila was setting out dinner. "Vee, do you want me to eat dinner with you tonight? So you don't have to eat alone."

Vee considered for a second.
No, mama, gracías. I think I'll eat with everyone else.

Hello again :] I yope this isn't lacking for the first post in a while, this chapter was my favorite to write so far lol. I'm really obsessed with the idea of how Vee handled living in the same house as Hunter after not knowing him since he was the Golden Guard. Plus, I wanted to write something semi angsty and this was a good opportunity ig-
And tysm to all the people who voted on this story- Im kinda new to Wattpad so idk what that does but I'm assuming it's good 😍
Anyways I wrote this chapter in 2 hours bc i felt bad for not updatimg and it is now 4 am, so I need sleep. bye bye pookies stay safe :3]

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