Test Day

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*Lillian's POV*

On Sunday afternoon Peter dragged me out of the hospital to get ready for school, promising me to take me back to Aunt May after school, no matter what. I was hoping that none of my random emotional breakdown's would happen during school. Both Peter and I had bags under our blood-shot eyes, messy hair (mine tied in a ponytail to hide the mess). We really looked awful. 

Not many people noticed our bad looks and we hadn't seen Flash so far. Parker luck must be taking a holiday. 

It was an okay-ish day at school. They introduced the new topics that we would be learning this term. Second World War in history, gamma radiation in science, artificial intelligence in robotics, yada yada yada. {I'm not sure if you learn that in High School, just bare with it pls} 

*Peter's POV*

Lily forgot her lunch money (again) so we shared my lunch (again), with her excuse of "Sharing is caring," but she never gives me my money back... Does she do it on purpose?!?!?! I'll ask her later. Well, back to lunch time. Ned and I were talking about Ned's new lego set with Lily popping in and out of the conversation while MJ was just reading. What did you think she would be doing?

The bell rang and we hurried to our next lesson, that test that someone (*cough* Lillian *cough*) hadn't let me any time to revise for because someone had insisted in making new formulas for someone's pranks. I swear this girl will be the death of me! 

We sat down, the papers were given and the time had started. It was pretty easy. It was like a general culture, logic and the things that we learn at school all in one test. We were given an hour and a half, too much time I think. I finished in under half an hour and looked around. Everyone had their heads bent down, pens or pencils scribbling and some even had their tongues sticking out. Lily was observing everyone just as I had been doing. We both stand up at the same time and hand in the test together too. 

I took my favourite book out of my bag and continued reading from where I had left it. Lily had started to scribble and doodle in her notebook, probably planning more pranks or recording already done/completed. 

I was getting stiff from sitting on these uncomfortable school chairs, so I separated my chair from my desk a bit and brought my knees to my chest and then lowered them again. That was better. I then stretched my arms wide and straightened up my back. A little groan escaped my lips, making a few heads turn to me, Flash being one of them. 

"Look at him!" said person shouted to all the class while pointing at my leg for some reason, "Parker got his period!"

My sister raised her eyebrow at him, "I'm a she and I don't have my period you big oaf,"

I looked to where Flash had been pointing, everyone looking too. They girls frowned at Flash as everyone should know that only girls get periods. The cut from my last patrol had opened again when I had stretched. Why me? Lily's eyes widened in shock, knowing that this could reveal  our identities. She pushed her chair back, throwing it across the room. She ran to me helping me get up on my good leg. I grabbed onto one of her arms, pain finally taking over. She gasped as she wrenched my hand from where I had grabbed her.

"Not there you dumb ass!"  

I looked at her with sorry eyes, knowing that if I opened my mouth, I would start to scream in agony and pain. I put my hand in front of my eyes, noticing that there was a liquid on them. A red liquid. 


"Save your breath, I'm taking you to the bathroom,"

"Blood... Your... Arm..." I whispered to her.

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