Chapter 17: ???

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It took StarFire a surprisingly long time to get SunSky. After he got the little ball of fury, she bit his arm angrily.

"Ow!" StarFire rubbed his arm. "Can't you be a little nicer?" SunSky pouted slightly, but sat down and shone like a mini sun. "Okay, I will NOT be explaining this to a dragonet that doesn't know how to speak yet."

"Yes I do, you dummy." SunSky glared at all the older dragonets, who stared at the bright light in surprise. "I heard everything that you guys said. Superior hearing."

"Alright." StarFire said quietly. "Before I begin, how is the storm over already in what, 10 minutes?" JaggedNight tilted his head slightly to the side. The rain outside has stopped pattering.

"That's weird." Normally the rain here would patter for days and weeks and drag on for a long time. "Is something going on?" JaggedNight asked the other dragons.

"Let me think. . ." StarFire thought for a moment then started. "I-" The black dragon shrieked as a dragon came out of no where and seized his neck, choking him. JaggedNight backed off as FlameClaw threw himself at another shadow dragon walking towards them. FlameClaw engulfed himself in sunfire flames as he charged, claws out. SunSky froze, staring with surprise at them before disappearing in a flash of light. JaggedNight quickly stepped into the shadows, letting the darkness engulf him. DarkHalo disappeared just as fast, creating a current of wind that blew a dragon off the cave. As he whirled, darkness descended onto the place.

It won't work. The attackers. . . are ShadowClaws!?!

He watched as StarFire whirled around in a whirlwind, slashing the ambusher at a ferocious speed with blood dancing in distinctive curls. FlameClaw was swinging his flaming claw down at his enemy, light blinding the cave. By that time, the entire place was on fire. JaggedNight stared in horror as three more pitch black dragon flew in the cave and dragged DarkHalo out, screaming. The dragons forced FlameClaws snout shut and thew him out in the rain, cursing. The dragons dove after the two dragonets outside, leaving a wreck in the old cave.


JaggedNight counted to 10 before he could calm himself down. What the hell. JaggedNight took a deep breath before stepping out of the shadows quietly, unsure if the unfamiliar dragons will rush back into the cave. Barely audible, he whispered, "SunSky?"

A flutter above caught his attention. As he looked up, he caught a glimpse of a pure snow white feather. That feather floated around in the breeze, finally landing silently on the floor. JaggedNight drew in a quick breath, then looked up.

SunSky must be up there somewhere. . .

He dug his claws into the hard rock, and started to climb. JaggedNight's tired muscles groaned in agony as he struggled. He could still feel his heart beating out of his chest in anxiety and fear as he went slowly up and up the wall. The silence was only broken by heavy heaves of breath and claws scratching against the old rocks.

At last, JaggedNight reached the ceiling. As he looked around, he noticed a little enclave just beyond the wall. A little gap sure to fit a dragonet. JaggedNight drew in a breath and held it as he tried to fit through the hole. The tough moment lasted for quite a bit before he fell forward and flipped into the minicave.

"Well, that was weird." SunSky voiced his thoughts as she watched him with uninterest. She shook her head. "That took you quite a while to find. What in the world happened down there?"

JaggedNight stared at her. "I thought you had excellent hearing."

"I can't see using sound, dummy."

"Oh, forgot that you never had excellent hearing."

"Forgive me, sir, that while you were fighting out on the front lines of a thousand dragoneteons, I was sitting around casualo with a cup of frui topoil."

JaggedNight made an internal note to find a way to replicated SunSky's ridiculously high and funny formal voice. "So, how did you find this? Since when?"

"Since when you hit your head on the cave wall for the hundredth time."

"Oh, want to try?"

"Shut your dark mouth up."

"Thank you."

"Don't make me bite you."

"Don't make me push you out."

"Don't make me bite."

"Don't make me push."

"Don't make me shove your ego up your snout."

"Alright, you win," JaggedNight said grumpily.

I'm not going to spend my time growling at some dragonet with no brains.

"Fine," SunSky said crossly. "Now what?" She stared down at the floor. The white dragon squinted. "Is that. . a piece of paper down there?"

JaggedNight joined SunSky at the edge of the entrance. There was a piece of something whitish at the floor, outside of a couple splatters of blood and scale. "Should we go down there?"

"Suicide." SunSky peered down the hole again. "They might be watching. As if we have to hide long enough." She scowled angrily. "I wish that a certain somebody would just shut up and stop whistling."

"Wha?" JaggedNight was definitely not whistling, even though now he wanted to. "Me!? I di-"

"Not you. The wind." SunSky tilted her head to the side. "It blurs out sound." She shook her head softly and sat down to gaze at her feathers, now ruffled. "If only. . . nevermind. . . trash that. . . light. . ." SunSky continued for quite a bit, staring off into the distance.

JaggedNight sighed and went to a far corner. He sat down, glancing at a puddle with continual splashes of rain and stared down at his reflection. Was this him now? No longer proud of his dark decent? He shook his head. No, he still held his pride in the shadows. He just have to work around the lights to get what he wanted. He sighed, watching the tiny puddle grow bigger and bigger as big, fat, raindrops came in through. . . what?

Rain. . .

JaggedNight stood up and quickly went over to SunSky. "I think there is a hole over there in the ceiling. . ." he quickly whispered.

SunSky paused in her muttering. "Where?" JaggedNight tilted his head towards the pattering. "There."

SunSky stood up and tiptoed towards the cave wall, putting her head against the wall. The pitter-patter of rain was still loud against the stone. "There is a hole somewhere. . . wait. The pattering isn't rhythmic like the rain.

JaggedNight followed her and looked up. There were two rock ledges where the rain is coming from. "There's no way-"

"I can do it." SunSky flew at light speed through the crevices. All that was left behind was several sunfire feathers. The sound of her claws scraping against the rough rock quickly faded away against the loud droplets.

Well, that's done. . .

JaggedNight stared at the still-growing puddle. His reflection was barely lit up, but his dark amber eyes still glowed in the dark. Staring back at him with disbelief.

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