the new moon is most powerful (for blood freely given)

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Chapter 6

the new moon is most powerful (for blood freely given)

It was a little before curfew the next night, that Harry followed Hermione and Ron to the dungeons, where Professor Snape was even though he taught DADA now. Honestly, Harry was now cursing that fact because that meant that he had even more time to contemplate everything that can (and probably would) go wrong.

"For the record, I still think this is a terrible idea."

And Ron, in all his confident genius beforehand, wasn't helping.

"Yes Ron. I heard you the first 50 times you said that."

"Just making sure I'm heard, Mia. I also think you're nuts."

"I heard you every time you said that."

"But this is reaching new heights, Hermione – This is a terrible idea and you are going batty."

"Of course. I think it's a side effect of being around you for so long really."


"Both of you – shut up please. You are not helping my stress levels."

Harry took a deep breath as both of them fell silent and continued to walk through the dungeons. The stale humid air entered his legs in deep breaths, with him hoping to calm his erratic heart. The attempt proved fruitless but the gesture was at least comforting enough to bring some feeling back to his numb legs.

"Y'know, it's not too late to back out; We really don't have to tell Snape."

Hermione sighed tiredly. She had already had this conversation and explained it multiple times. She was obviously getting sick of Ron saying the same thing over and over.

"No, we need a stable connection with Riddle's magic to support Harry. This is the best way that we know of. And, in any case, we need someone with a close connection to Riddle so that small seeds can be planted before Christmas. You said this yourself, Ron."

Ron looked very unhappy at the reminder but fortunately didn't say anything as the entered the hall that held Snape's office. Despite making up the plan himself, when it actually came down to it, it was obvious that he was very concerned about everything that could happen; he had tried to account for everything and anything that could happen but there was always the off chance they could be unprepared for anything that could happen.

Harry took in another deep breath and rubbed his flat stomach to remind himself who he was doing this for. Not himself, but his child.

His unborn child.

Hermione knocked steadily on Snape's door and Harry was startled when the door swung open harshly. The scowling face of the Potion's Master darkened at seeing them. "Potter, Granger, Weasley... And why do I have the displeasure of seeing you before my horrific class with you three?"

Harry summon all his courage before he could chicken out.

"We need to tell you something. It's urgent."

"Oh? And this could not be brought to the Headmaster." Ron snorted behind him and Hermione shot him a look.

"Er – no sir. We'd rather not. And it's connected to the Dark Lord."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Indeed? Very well then. Enter." He stepped inside, allowing them entrance.

Harry went in and sat down in front of Snape's desk, while Hermione and Ron seemed a bit reluctant to sit but did so anyway. Snape sat down and gazed at Harry with heavy, black eyes; Harry averted his eyes instinctively, remembering his Occlumency lessons the previous school year despite having his own working shields. Though he knew that they weren't strong enough to keep Snape out for long, it would only take a few well-placed attacks for Snape to get through into his mind.

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