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Jess's pov

I wake up from my dream and open my  eyes, next to me is my alarmclock blaring the music i set up to be my alarm. I quikly shut it off with my hand but because of my superpower (wich is superstrenght) i break my alarmclock.
I think it's the third alarmclock this week.

"shit" i curse silently i hate it when i break my alarms, last month i broke my Phone because i shut my alarm up a little to hard. So i thought buying a alarmclock would be better... guess who was wrong about that... me yayy.
But that didn't really matter because i needed a new phone anyway.
After coming  back from my daydreaming
i quikly put on my clothes that i put on my chair yesterday and go to the kitchen in my 1 bedroom apartment and prepare myself some yoghurt. After i ate i put the dishes back in the sink.
"i'll wash them off later" i think to myself before putting on my boots and jacket.

The cafe i work is pretty close to my home so i always walk to the place. 5 minutes or so pass and i soon see the sign from the cafe i work at. 'angels' (above is a picture from the inside of the cafe)
I walk inside and soon see my best friend Denise. Denise is a waitress at angels i'm a bartender. I say hi to her  she says hey back we start a little chat on how her sick cat was doing, after that we get to work.


*a few hours later*

When my shift ends i ask Denise if she wants to come to the new place a few streets away to grab a bite. She said yes so we grab our jackets and say goodbye to our colleagues. As we are walking Denise is telling how her date went " Yeah he was  cute but he was really rude to the waitress for no reason." Denise says to me.
"Wel then you shouldn't go on a second date with him" i tell her.
She looks at me and says "Yeah i was planning on doing that but he Just keeps calling me."
"Then block him" I answer her.
"Oh"  She says looking suprised "How did i not think of that" She says more to herself then me. I Just shrug my shoulders. We turn the corner and i immediately see the cute place called wonderland. We go inside and after a few minutes the owner comes to take our order she is such a nice lady.

After we got our order and ate it we paid Ella the owner of wonderland and left to take a walk in the park nearby. Denise was asking if i wanted to hang out at her place a bit. I sadly tell her i can't because i wanted to go visit my sister at the cremetery. She says she understands probably because she is the only one who knows about my past, you see 9 years ago when i was ten my mom wanted my wings to appear but to make that happen something needs to happen so adrenaline will course trough and activate my supernatural side.
So ofcourse my crazy mother had to throw her of a apartmentbuilding in hope i my wings would come when that didn't
happen she suddenly left and i was all alone because my sister died from the fall.
After that Denise her mom Silva became aware of my situation and adopted me. That is actually how me and Denise met.
And how she found out about my past.

"I think i'm gonna head back to my apartment" Denise says i nod and we say our goodbyes to eachother. After Denise left i went on a walk to look for a store or
stand where they sell flowers for my sisters grave. After i found a little stand i bought my sisters favorite flowers tullips.
As i'm walking with the flowers in my hand someone bumps into me. "I'm sorry." I say to the guy as I'm looking at his face i see his facial expression change from annoyed to shocked.
He opens his mouth and says "Jess"
I look at him confused and ask "How do you know my name?"
He looks at me for some time and when i blink with my eyes i see that the mystery guy is gone.

Word count: 728
Hey guys first chapter who do you guys think that the mystery guy is? What do think of the first chapter? If there are any mistakes you guys can tell me.

The supernatural girlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora