Part 1 (headcannons for most of class 1A)

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Headcannons for if you were dating them :D

Mina ashido
-kisses, ALL THE TIME
-in general just very touchy huggy kind of person
-If anyone tried to hurt you she would most definitely start a fight (and win)
^ *cough cough* mineta
-Mina would totally do your hair if you needed it
-yall would cuddle by laying your head in her lap while she brushes through it with her fingers.
-probably get in trouble for PDA such as hand holding and pecks on the cheek
-nickname: sweet
Mezo shoji
-hugs do I even need to explain this mans hugs, like image you get anxious in public and he can just hug you and hide you from the world
-not the most touchy person bc he's an insecure boy
-if you kiss him on the check he gets so surprised
-he gives you head pats as a way of affection
-shoji is scared your gonna judge him for his face but since you love him you dont :D
-wont start a fight but if someone starts something he'll just pick you up and run
-nickname: darling
Katsuki Bakugou
(first you know he wouldn't date you bc of his complex but a person can dream)
-Hes not touchy in public but in private he'll cuddle you while watching movies
-not a very kissy person
-if he did kiss you it would be on the forehead
-he would blow up anyone who hurt you no hesitation
-like I said earlier no PDA like at all bc he wants the relationship to be secret bc his pride cant take it
nickname: caramal
Izuku Midoriya
-kisses, but you would be the one initiating it most of the time bc hes a shy boy
-PDA would mostly be hand holding
-would most likely start a big fight if someone hurt you
-But in private it would be cuddles all the time
-He would get flustered so easily
-nickname: marshmallow
Tenya Iida
-first off very chivalrous like holding the door and other things
-ok maybe a little pda but it takes some convincing to get him to hold your hand in public
-murder if anyone lays a harmful hand (spoiler you are warned: haha we know and love the attempted murder of stain)

-brushes through your hair with his fingers in private
-always asks before doing stuff like kisses bc he polite
-nickname: honey
Denki Kaminari
-big PDA, kisses hugs hand holding we got the whole set here
-slightly scared of electrocuting you when doing so but we love this pika man so its fine
-would definitely electrocute someone if they hurt you, maybe end up going silly bc of it but thats ok
-in private yall would watch movies together and you both would wear one of those really big hoodies together.
-totally would use cheesy pickup lines on you bc hes a simp
-nickname: sparks (ik basic im sorry)
Ejiro Kirishima
-BIG PDA MAN, he hugs and kisses you all the time, constant stream of affection coming out of this man
-always has to be touching you like brushing his hand up against yours and nuzzling you
-would beat the living crap out of anyone who hurt you, no one touches his baby
-ok kinda off topic but if he refers to you in convo he would say "look at my bebe" just like that you can't tell me otherwise.
-in private he would hug you from behind and just hold you, accept your fate.
-nickname: rockstar :D
Momo Yaoyorozu
-She enjoys PDA but almost never initiates it so you better
-handholding, she would have the softest hands
-I feel like in private she would massage your hands and stuff if your stressed and use lotion
-if anyone hurt you she would run them over with her fancy car VROOM VROOM
-jk jk what Momo would do is wack them and tell them that they are sinful, then run away unless its an immediate threat
-SPOILS YOU WITH THE MONEY, want that bag now you have it, want that new pair of pants now it magically appears on your night stand
-nickname: angel
Ochaco Uraraka
-enjoys PDA but its a 50/50 on if she initiates it or not
-handholding, pecks on the cheek, etc
-death sentence to who ever hurt you
-in private she would let you lay on top of her and just hug her while watching movies
-in private she has mor courage so maybe while walking by she would grab your face and peck it
-nickname: charm
Shoto Todoroki
-shows PDA but not too obvously
-very polite boy, holding doors and opening the car door for you and its just adorable
-brushing hands, leaning on you or the other way around yk
-if anyone hurt you it would go like this: ice ice baby
-just like momo, would spoil you to the heavens and back anything you want, curdesy of Endevors credit card.
-nickname: I don't feel like he would have one, he would probably alternate between baby honey and sweetie. if you do want one anyways it would be snowflake
Fumikage Tokoyami
-He can't really show affection too well with his bird face and all
-but he really likes it when you kiss the tip of his beak
-dark shadow loves you and won't stfu when you and him are having alone time
-PDA if it can be shown
-in private he would hold you in his lap while you do who knows what
-dark shadow and him get pissed when someone hurts you so they just get flung
-gives you necklaces that shine in the moonlight
-nickname: songbird
-Jk we hate him

A/n: I hope I did good for my first try at this (not including my notes app)


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