Part 1: Divorce

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Michelle's POV
I'm started to annoyed! Ugh!!! I wish my parents will be separated. Well i don't care about my father actually, he always scolded me when i came back in this annoying house, he's always drunk, and he's flirting with another woman. I told my mom that she and dad will be divorce not until...

Mom: I'm so done with you, let's break up!
Dad: Fine, I don't need you Actually
Mom: I don't need you also. And it was a force Marriage... I already signed the divorce papers

I just look at them and pretend to be cry

Mom: Michelle, who do you want to live with. Mommy or Daddy

I look at them

Dad: Michelle, you love Daddy right?
Michelle: (Smirks) Do you think I'm stupid dad? I know your secret, and it's almost 7 months, i'm sorry but i need to choose the right one

My dad slapped me

Mom: Don't you dare hurt my daughter!
Dad: GET OUT!!!
Michelle: Yes, were living! Let's go mom

With that mom and i left... I tried not to cry, but failed

Michelle: I'm sorry mom
Mom: Don't worry sweetheart, let's go to china
Michelle: China?
Mom: Yes
Michelle: Okay, let's go then

6 hours of flight. We're finally arrived in China, i heard that mom buy a new house

Michelle: Are we going to the hotel?
Mom: No sweetie, we have a new house there
Michelle: Okay

I spend a lot of time talking to my mom... until

Mom: Michelle... i need to tell you something
Michelle: Okay
Mom: Good news
Michelle: Okay.... so
Mom: I'm getting married
Michelle: Huh?
Mom: You heard me, i'm getting married
Michelle: Wow! Congrats mom, i hope he's more better than dad
Mom: Yes, and don't you ever mention your father that way
Michelle: Yes mom

5 years later

My mom keep tells me about her new BF and she's very2 excited to see her step son which means my step brother... but i think he's kinda cold... I didn't see him in personal but soon.

Mom: They're coming
Michelle: (Rolled Eyes) Mom, can you just calm down. They're coming soon okay
Mom: I know ☺️

I went back to my room, i read my book cause i'm so bored. Until I heard the doorbell, i went downstairs and my mom came and hugged a man, i think it's her boyfriend

???: Honey! I miss you
Mom: I miss you too
???: Nice home
Mom: Yes. Oh, you must be Winston. Hi nice to meet you
Winston: Nice to meet you too
Mom: Oh, this is.. Michelle, she'll be your sister
Winston: Step Sister
Michelle: Uh... yeah, nice to meet you, come i'll show your room
Winston: No need (cold & walk away)
Michelle: Such a cold man
Step Dad: I'm sorry about his attitude, he's always like that
Michelle: It's okay dad- i mean step dad
Step Dad: (Sweet Smiles) it's okay

Winston's POV

Ugh! Seriously?! But i'm happy with my dad tho, he's married a new woman which is my step mother. And a Step sister... i really don't like her to be my sister. But suddenly i heard a call

Winston: Hello?
???: Hi Love
Winston : (Smiles) Hi Baby, how are you?
???: I'm good, congrats to your father, is he getting married?
Winston: Soon bub, how are you Jia?
Jia: I'm good, I missed you already
Winston: I miss you too
Jia: I'll hang up now, bye babe
Winston: Bye

After a call someone's knock on my door

Winston: Come in
Michelle: Dinners ready (walk away)
Winston: Uh okay, i'll be there (fake sweet smile)

As she walk away, i get out of my room too

Step Mom: So Winston, how are you? I know that you are not comfortable to talk to your mom
Winston: Step Mom (correction)
Dad: Winston!
Winston: I'm sorry dad
Step Mom: It's okay, it's his first time to meet his stepmom and stepsister right?
Winston: Yeah
Dad: Anyway, your mom and i going somewhere
Michelle: Where?
Mom: In Canada
Michelle: Mom... are you serious?
Mom: We just have a honeymoon, and we comeback here in 4 months
Michelle: OMG! So which means i live with him?
Mom: Yes, come on, have fun your brother. I'm sure you 2 are close now

Michelle's POV

As i heard about my mom that i should live with alone with my stepbrother, i look at him and he just rolled his eyes on me... looks like i live with him like a hell

Michelle: Fine... i'll agree
Mom & Step Dad: Thank u (sweet smile)
Step Dad: Winston, take care of your sister okay?
Winston: I promise

I look at him and he looks at me then he had a evil smirk

Michelle: Stop starring at me
Winston: I'll keep starring at you whatever i want
Michelle: Ugh! (Walk away)

Winston's POV

Mission complete! She lose hahaha. Don't worry, I'm gonna make sure that you are mine, just wait 😈

To be continue

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