Part 7: I love u

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Michelle's POV
No, No, No.... you are just his sister Michelle, stop acting like you are his girlfriend


Winston: I'm Her boyfriend and who are you?

Michelle: Ugh Michelle.... stop
???: Overthink?
Michelle: Ahh!!!! Winston
Winston: What are you thinking of?
Michelle: Nothing
Winston: Nothing?
Michelle: Yeah
Winston: Really? It's about last time huh
Michelle: Can you just promise me?
Winston: Of what again?
Michelle: About what you said
Winston: Aren't you move on? If i didn't come back that time, i don't know if what's going on. And it might be Mom and dad will punished me because you lost

Speaking of lost, we heard the door bell. As nanny opens the door

Nanny: Hi ma'am, hi sir. Welcome Home!
Step Dad: Thank u

I went downstairs and i run

Michelle: DADDY!!!!!
Step Dad: Hi baby! Daddy missed you
Michelle: I miss you too, Daddy
Mom: How about me?
Michelle: I miss you a lot Mom (as i hugged her)
Step Dad: Did Winston Bullied you Michelle?
Winston: What?!
Michelle: No. Oppa is super sweet to me
Step Dad: That's my boy
Winston: Dad
Step Dad: Yes?
Winston: Can we talk?
Step dad: Sure!

As the two of them left, i faced my Mom

Michelle: How are you Mom?
Mom: I'm okay, i have something for you
Michelle: Okay

My Mom gave me some sweets chocolates, peanut butter, strawberry jam and more

Mom: Share it to your brother
Michelle: Of course! I should Thank him, because he saved me
Mom: Why? Did someone bullied you?
Michelle: Yeah, i'm so thankful for him
Mom: That's my girl

Winston's POV

As we left Mom and Michelle there at the living room, my dad and i talk inside my room

Dad: Thanks son
Winston: For?
Dad: For taking care of your sister
Winston: (Smiles) Actually... i need to tell you something dad
Dad: What is it?
Winston: Well... My best friend came after you guys left
Dad: Okay, and then?
Winston: Dad, i'm sorry... i didn't mean to ruined your day with Mom
Dad: Are you hiding something Winston?
Winston: .....
Dad: Dong Winston, tell me
Winston: I'm sorry dad
Dad: Sorry for what?
Winston: I'm sorry, but i like her
Dad: Who?
Winston: Michelle
Dad: What?
Winston: I like her
Dad: (Sighs) Are you crazy?! Have you lost your mind?! Winston you are smart! You can't like her! I married her Mom, because i want to move on to your mother!
Winston: Daddy please!
Dad: That's impossible! If you have a secret relationship to your sister, i'm gonna kick you both out of my house!
???: Mommy!
???: What is wrong with you Michelle?! You promise me to be a good sister to your brother

Dad and i get out of my room

Dad: Honey, what's wrong
Step Mom: Winston is this true?
Winston: Of?
Step Mom: Don't be pretend that you don't know! Are you having an affair to my daughter?!
Winston: Mom...
Step Mom: Tell me! If you both don't want to tell us, then get out of my house!
Michelle: Mom, let me explain
Step Mom: Okay! Explain!
Michelle: Mommy, I'm sorry.... that day when you guys are left... i didn't tell Winston about my feelings because... I don't want to ruined your day
Winston: Why did you do this?
Michelle: I don't want to tell you that I like you
Dad: Okay, Let's end this. Both of you go back to your room
Michelle: I'm sorry dad... i'm sorry mom
Step Mom: We're Sorry too, now go back to your room

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