Haha vent because I feel like a burden again

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Haha vent. This is my first time doing this with other people so bare with me-

Lately everything been going wrong and I don't know how to fix it.

Some people I really trust are changing really fast, and my routine is all out of wack and I don't know what to do.

I need a routine and I need everything do be the way I like it, but that doesn't work with other people.

And another thing, I have a hard time explaining how my brain works because no matter what someone's going to be upset.

For example, me saying "Hey do you want to go to lunch with me?" and a person says no and nothing after, automatically makes me think that person hates me. I know that's not what they mean but I still also think it is what they mean???

Secondly, I am always in my head. I've never truly had a safe space to talk to people or vent until 2022, and because of that I always think I'm an inconvenience.

And lastly, I'm a horder? Kinda? Well not too the extreme extent that you see on TV, but to the point where getting rid of stuff is a pain. My parents used to threaten to throw away everything I loved as punishment  (still do.) So now, my items are the only thing I have control over.

I hate myself for venting on Wattpad AND over stuff that's really small and I have no control over, but yeah it is what it is.

(Also this was shorter then expected)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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Me venting because I don't wanna bother people Where stories live. Discover now