02: unexpected events

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My eyes burst open.

I slam my hand on my alarm just on time. I sigh, I HATE having that I have to do this for another two years of my life.

I grab my phone and check the time. It says 7:30..




I quickly rush out the door with my hair a mess, my school uniform barely put on correctly, and sweating tremendously. I'm NOT okay right now.

I can't believe Haru messed up my alarm again, how annoying! Now I'm gonna be in even more trouble *internally cries*

The worse part is I barely had time to work on my hair or anything. I'm gonna cry if my hair looks like a mop in school.

I continue to speed past the roads as I rush my way to school.

I start to speed walk to my classroom in hope my teacher might spare me today. But then again, what are the chances.

"You're late again, Mai." The teacher says the instant I enter. She eyes me up and down, suspicious.

"Yes I know, I'm sorry miss." I reply, rubbing the sweat off my forehead and catching my breath.

I start to slowly head to my regular seat in the back. I get some weird glares, but I pay them no mind. It's probably how I look right now, but I'm so tired so it doesn't matter to me right now.

Sadly my one and only bestie isn't in this class, so I'll unfortunately have to wait a bit longer to see her and tell her my unfortunate morning.

"Continuing on todays subject..."
The teacher starts to blabbering something,
but I totally doze off, I'm exhausted. I let my eyes close for a few seconds. It will be for like a minute, it won't hurt, right?


[T I M E S K I P]

I heard slight footsteps as someone tapped on my shoulder in attempts to wake me up.


I completely fell asleep.

I shot my head, almost all the class left for lunch. In front of me was my teacher with an angry expression. I'm totally screwed.

"I'll spare you this time, Mai. But just so you know I won't hesitate to give you a detention next time." She says with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes ma'am." I nod repeatedly.


I walk out of the classroom and hear my stomach rumble.

I also forgot my lunch.... no....

I sigh in defeat as for my only other option: the vending machine.

I speed stroll my way over there.

All of a sudden, a girl comes up to me. She has blonde luscious hair that go down to her back. She has really pretty blue eyes, and long eyes lashes.

What could she possibly want with me????

"Heyyyy! Your Haru's sister right!!?" She says, excitement in her tone.

Although she seems pretty annoying to me, I try to fake a happy smile.

"Yeah, what about it?"

She hands me a slip of paper. It's folded in half and it has writing on it that says 'Hinata Deli, call me' and it appears to have a number underneath.

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