04: attempts

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I woke up to the everyday morning alarm that had always seemed to drain me more than the day ahead.

The sun had shined bright and gracefully through my window that was covered by curtains.

Time to get ready for another tremendous day for school.

I get up and quickly change into my school uniform. I woke up early this time so I slowly put on my button down shirt and roll my skirt on.

I rush out to the bathroom to brush my teeth and style my hair a bit more. I don't want people to look at me weird as they did when I was younger.

I look through the bathroom mirror.
My brown orbs shine on my face, strands of my dark brunette hair are all over my face, styled in a nice way.

Even though I have changed drastically from what I looked as a child...

I'm still not pretty enough..


I leave the bathroom to go to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I'm starving.

When I enter, Sae and Haru are sitting and talking while mom is making something on the stove. She almost never cooks for us, especially for me. But I'm not really complaining.

Mom shows me a smile while eyeing at the dish she made me: a bacon and egg sandwich. I'm feeling a lot more hungry now.

"I'm still sad that we don't have any classes together" Haru said to Sae, showing a sad expression while munching on some of his food.

"It's fine." Sae replied, coldly, siping on some of his coffee.

They continued talking, but i payed them no mind as I finished my food quickly and head to my room to get ready quickly.


I leave the house, making my way to school. The weather seems fine today so I decide to walk to school.The wind is blowing through my air as the cool air calms me.

Sae and Haru left the house before me, so I could catch a small glimpse of them walking far ahead of me.

[T I M E S K I P]

I walk to my first period, also my least favorite class: science. Not due to the work but just the teacher. She's horrible.

I sit down in my usually seat in the back, where I usually take a nap.

But I am quite anxious, because we apparently have a partner project this week and I don't really talk to anyone in this class.

I guess I'll work alone.


The bell had rung and class had started. I noticed everyone was pretty anxious: especially the girls.
My guess that is that it's about the project, but it's probably nothing.

My eyes had bawled out when a familiar reddish- pink haired being had walked into the classroom.
I could see some of the the girls winking and giggling when he walked in.

"Class, we have an new exchange student, please treat him with respect." The teacher announces.

"Do you wish to introduce yourself?" She continues.

"No ma'am." Sae replied. He started to walk towards the seats.

Your joking!!?? Why's is he in my class??

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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