Chapter Two

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"And that's all for today! Now remember, I want a seven inch essay on Glumbumbles by Friday of next week! Class dismissed!" Professor Howin shouted as the class got ready to leave.

Ariadne had partnered with Poppy Sweeting for the class again. Thought the girls' expertise on magical creatures and beasts was something to not be ignored. Especially after the whole adventure with the dragon egg and golden snidgets last term.

"Aren't they just adorable!" Poppy exclaimed happily, still admiring the Glumbumbles in their glass enclosures.

Ariadne looked at the gray insects, grimacing. At least it wasn't acromantulas. She had enough experiences those to last a lifetime. Though something tells her, she would still be dealing with those awful creatures.

"If you say so, Poppy," Ariadne sighed.

"Oh, Ariadne, I know how you feel about insects and arachnids," the Hufflepuff girl giggled.

"At safe distance away where they can't bother me!"

The girls started to walk back to the castle. Advanced Potion Making was next, a class that Ariadne had been excited to begin (other than alchemy). As she and Poppy approached the classroom, Ariadne saw Sebastian walk out, hands in his pockets as he stalked out of the classroom with Ominis in toe. The sour look on his face only softened when he caught sight of Ariadne. But the next person to leave the potions classroom was none other than Colter Winterfaire. No wonder Sebastian is in a foul mood, She thought.

As she and Poppy entered the classroom, they made their way over to a free table. Ariadne took her potions textbook out and laid it next to her cauldron.

"Now, time for a class I'll actually enjoy," She smiled, fixing her brown-auburn hair into a braid to keep it out of her face.

"What? You didn't enjoy Care of Magical Beasts?!" Poppy faked hurt.

"Oh, come off it! I love that class, I just love potions a lot more."

Suddenly, Garreth Weasley was there. His hair was a lions main of red curls, green eyes twinkling with mischief, and a wide grin plastered on his freckled face.

"Mind if I take one of the open spaces here?" He asked.

"Not all, Garreth," Poppy replied, "the more the merrier."

"Then you won't mind if I take the last place!" Imelda took the spot across from Ariadne.

"Nope!" Always the optimist, Poppy Sweeting.

There were the sounds of heavy out of sync footsteps. The class turned and saw Professor Sharp limping in. Some of the girls in class had dreamy looks on their faces as he went by. Ariadne had no idea why they found him attractive, given the fact that he was old enough to their father.

"Good day, class, and welcome back for a year of Advanced Potions. Seeing how you are all able to continue the subject in sixth year, you got an Outstanding on your OWLs for potions- some of you i'm surprised made it into this course," Sharp began, aiming a look at Garreth, "and today we'll be looking into and brewing the potion called Draught of Living Death. This can be found on page twenty-seven of your textbooks."

Ariadne opened her textbook and flipped to the corresponding page, reading the information tab in the corner.

The Draught of Living Death brings upon its drinker a very powerful sleep that can last indefinitely. This draught is very dangerous if not used with caution ... This is an extremely dangerous potion. Execute with maximum caution.

"Now, what would be the correct antidote if one were to consume this potion?"

Ariadne raised her hand.

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