Chapter 1: The Fall

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a/n: Wow I started this on a whim!
Some pre-text stuff I guess.

All characters will be aged up to highschool age rather than junior high as I feel that it's more appropriate for cannon subject matter and I just feel more comfortable writing high schoolers. Main characters will be 16-17 since they're 3-E, 3-A, etc and I'm gonna pretend that Japanese high school has grade 4 as seniors because senior college prep and shit would look entirely different than the current story line lol that would be a lot of extra stress in addition to an assassination.

There will be profanity, crude jokes, innuendos (nothing more graphic than what's already in cannon), violence (naturally), talks of death, mild forms of self harm (no c^tting), and struggles with mental health. If any of these topics are an issue for you, this may not be the story for you! Please proceed with caution and always put your health first.

Chiyo Sugihara cleared her throat, maroon eyes surveying the papers in front of her in interest. A polite smile sat on her face despite the confused scrunch of her eyebrows, "I don't think this is a necessary measure to take, is it? The curriculum's already plenty advanced. Investing more into class A's academics— and subsequently the rest of the main building— would just widen the gap between class E and the rest of the students, wouldn't it?"

She tilted her head to the side, her dark strawberry pink hair swaying as she did, cascading in waves down her back. The student council room fell silent for a second, until uproarious laughter began filling the room.

The treasurer giggled to herself, "Well yeah— that's the whole point, Chiyo-san. For the second best student, you sure are slow sometimes."

"Hey, don't be so hard on her!" The secretary, Natsuhiko, not-so-subtly winked at Chiyo, "It's okay, Chiyo-chan~ It's part of your charm."

Chiyo awkwardly laughed, fiddling with the fuzzy star pin clipped to the side of her bangs as Asano rolled his eyes, scoffing, "I say we proceed with the initiative. We deserve the best after all. If the class E students want to be treated better, they'll simply have to perform better and crawl their way out of the E class."

Chiyo held up her hands in surrender, a nervous smile resting on her face, "It's your final call, Asano-san. I'll respect whatever you choose."

Asano's plum-colored eyes narrowed at her, a common expression for him, "Good. Then, we'll proceed with it. I'll talk to my father about pushing for even more advanced curriculum."

"Okay! Sounds good." Chiyo smiled sweetly, fiddling with a strand of her hair, causing some of the male student council members to blush and some of the female student council members to sigh in envy.


Chiyo strode into class A with her usual shy smile on, ready to hop right into their literature class when she was suddenly stopped by the teacher.

Chiyo tilted her head to the side in question, "Do you need something, Watanabe-sensei?"

Mrs. Watanabe nodded, pulling her aside for a second, "I wanted to talk about your grades for a second, Sugihara."

"Hm? What about them?" The pinkette inquired.

"Have things been okay at home lately? On your last quiz, you scored a 93% and you still haven't turned in your analysis essay on Kyuusaku's "Dogma." It was due yesterday, as I'm sure you're aware. Do you have it finished?"

"...Ah." Chiyo smiled apologetically, a bead of sweat rolling down her face, "I'm so sorry. I nearly have it finished but I've been so busy with council work, swim practice, volunteering, coding, and managing my non-profit... things are extra busy since it's the beginning of the school year! I'll get it to you right away though!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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