my life so far

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my name is jackson maxwell Carvour. Yes, the son of the famous spy Owen Carvour doesn't ask me about him. I didn't know him at all, nor did my other dad curt .

see the both died when I was 7, and for the people saying, " Oh, you had 7 years with them before they died, how do you not know them at all." And to that, I say they were both spies that did have much time to spend with family.

most of the time they were home, they had to do work. I mean, I don't blame them they were spies, and it properly would be bad if they didn't do the work. but they did try to be there it just wasn't enough at that time, but that doesn't mean they weren't bad parents.

anyway after they died I went to go live with the Baddest bitch alive. my grandmother I love her so much ❤️ . she taught me Everything that I need to know like how to make cookies. And why are board meetings are so important. she made me feel happy and loved, and most importantly, she showed how much she Care about me.

after my parents died, their friend Tatiana would come over and showed me how to fight, although she never really wanted me to and also taught me how to load a gun that was cool . I asked her if she could show me some spy techniques ones and she said and I quote " Your fathers would kill me if I did" and to her I said " who cares they are already dead anyway".

I had to have a long talk about how it is disrespectful to say stuff like that bl bla bla. I could give less than a shit about that.moving forward, it has been like 9shi years since they died. I am 16 now, and it is living he'll I get the shit kicked out of me by Max jagerman, so that is fun, I gest. life is going great 🫠.

oh, and for the people saying, " Oh, but your Dad's friend Tatiana Taught you how to fight Blah blah." Yes, she did, but people, I am the son of two of the most dangerous spies who were never there.

and we moved right before they died, so people just think that I am the kid who lives with his grandma who can't fight. and I am good with that because one day, I will kick the living shit out of Max jagerman to where he is going home crying to his mommy saying jackson just kick the shit out of me.and when that day comes, no one will ever mess with me again.

but for now, I still have to make more friends, as my grandma says, but I am fine with my friends, Scrags and Esther. but it could be nice to have more than two friends. oh, and I also work at the cinaplex in the mall


I am walking into the shithole I call school for the 100th time in my life. I was thinking about diching again, but Aunt Tatiana. caught me last time at bennies and had to drag me out of there and in front of peter spankoffski. He is in the same class as me and one of the sweets people I have ever met . he is so cute and has green eyes and beautiful brown hair and glasses.

" wach out dick Head," as I get Shoved into a locker door, oh great, just my luck, Max I am so Screwed the last time I saw him I Slashed his tire " Let me go shithead." Why did i say that? " Oh, so you think you can talk to me like that nerd. I am going to kill you for slashing my tires."

Your honor in my defense it was funny as hell. Just imagine his face when he was trying to leave. " Hey dick Head what is so funny about this?" Oh shit " nothing just thinking about how stupid you looked, trying to get out of school with slashed tires."

Thank God, Mr. Matthews came, " Boys, what is going on here? Care to explain." he said in a nervous voice, like when he's talking to that lady at Bennis after school some times befor. I think her name is Emma or something like that. I don't really pay attention to that kind of stuff.

"Nothing Mr matthews we are just taking for our hu Science project that we have to do. Right, Jackson." Just play in to Jack. It won't hurt, and maybe he'll stop bothering me." Yes, you better do the paper Max haha" Take the Bait, please. " OK, then Carry on, but don't be late for class." he said, walking away.

son of The World's Best Spies Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora