what the hell

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see the smile I haven't seen since I was little my dads boss why the fuck is she here the last time I saw her was at my dad's funeral and she gave me her Condolences thinking it was gonna help.like bitch you are the best but I didn't need a reminder of how they died and how much you loved them blah blah blah.

" Hello miss Miss Houston, what are you doing here, the little bit of surprise? " I say, like I haven't seen her in what 8-9 years, and she is now in my house, but we proceed from that point, ok . " Hello Jackson, wow, you look a lot like Owen." se says Astonished like yeah? I am His. kid, of course I'm gonna look like him. It's kind of like a no shit sherlock just saying.

" Well, I suppose I did get the good jeans. But still, like, what are you doing here?" Like this is a most important question, and you haven't even answered it. It's been like 5 fucking minutes come on. " Wow shithead stop being so pushy. I'm gonna tell you. You may have got the good jeans, but you got the personality like curt that dumb ass." well, I see, Why my dad Thought. She was a mythic bitch and always complained about her so like her though. " ok my bad I am sorry "

I am not fucking sorry at all ok " Jack the reason why I am here is because I found some of you dads lod stuff and by My better judgment Your dad's would probably want you to have it." Oh, that was not what I was expecting at all, but ok, I'll take it.

the she gave me a box it was light blue and had some green Stripes by the corners of the box in the middle it had both their names. my dad Owen's was in the Fairy-tale cursive while my other dad curt was in a messy had Writing that looks like a Kindergarteners.

in the Box was my dad's hobbit novel, where it had a bunch of stick notes out in all the places that he liked. In the story and little notes on the side of the page. Then there was a picture of me and them at a hockey game. They hated hockey, but they knew I loved it, so they took me one time when they got tickets from their agency.

Then, at the bottom of the box, there envelopes, and both had letters written for me. I wondered what they were.Then I looked closer at the label and said, "Give to Jackson after we die." So curiosity, I opened up the one from my dad, Owen.

" Dear Jackson,
If you are reading this, me and your Father and I have sadly passed on can't tell you how much you have Made me and your father's life much better,and I want you to know how Much we love you and how we always Wonder how we end up with the most Amazing kid in the world. -- love your dad Owen ❤️ "

" Jack, what is that?" Cynthia asked me. " Oh nothing, just some stupid love letter they wrote to each other when they used to be a different agency's." I don't want her to see this letter and get all sapy on me. " Hey grandma, I think I am going to go to bed ." Because In full heart honesty. I could pass the fuck out right now. Maybe being sleep deprived is not great. " ok, good night, jackson."Night jay." Good night, jackson. hoped you liked the box." All three of them said as I waked up the stairs to go to my room. " Thank you for the box."


" Jackson Maxwell Carvour, if you don't get up right now, you will be late for school," my grandma says as she burst into my room with a bunch of pots and pans clanging them. " ok ok I am up. Can you stop now." I say siting up in my bed." Would it be such a bad thing if I miss school today and just want to bennies," I just want some coffee.

" Yes because you gotta go see that cute little boy you've? Been. Talking about? What's his name, peter ,Pita , no no, no peter spankoffski? I can all Ready see the wedding." she says with the most excitement I could ever see at 7:30 in the god dam morning. What is her thing with being so obsessed with weddings? I don't get it, really. I mean, I told her about him once and how cute he was, and she thinks I'm gonna marry him. I mean, that would be nice, but I don't know what I am saying.

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