Chapter 28 : Both Needed

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Before leaving Howl alone at the dining table, Sapphire gives her a small gentle squeeze on her shoulders and whispers something in her ear.

Nothing changed from her, always giving the others comforts first rather than herself, but that probably won't last for Elio since she used that kind of face.

Elio knows and notices that but he will patiently wait for his leader at the entrance.

Done comforting Howl, Sapphire picks her keychain and comes back to Elio, it seems like they are going to go outside.

"Let's go." She says without touching Elio as she just walks past, leading the way toward their garage.

Both of them stay silent even Sapphire who is always bubbly doesn't say any word to Elio.

Silence is one of Elio's favorite atmospheres, this time, for the very first time, he hates it.

Even though they always spend their time together in silence during their special coffee time, this one just feels awful for him which unexpectedly bothers him so much.

Elio notices that Sapphire drives them together going out from the city and their first stop is at a small flower shop on a side road.

"Come with me." Sapphire says while unlocking her seat belt as Elio follows her order right away.

Once Elio steps out from her car, Sapphire leads him to get inside and the building looks pretty old yet the flower placements make it elegant and peaceful.

"Oh, dear. Are you looking for flowers again this month?" the old lady, the shopkeeper, says and approaches both of us.

Again? Sounds like she has been here for not too long ago.

Elio thinks and looks at Sapphire but he doesn't get to see her face because Sapphire is going to the old lady and embraces her with a welcoming warm hug.

"I'm not the one who is going to buy the flower, ma'am." Sapphire replies while they are embracing each other.

"Oh, my. Then this young handsome boy here buys one?" the old lady says and pulls her head up to look at Elio's face.

"Yes, ma'am." Sapphire replies and slowly breaks the hug then turns around to look at Elio, signaling him to come closer.

"Come here little boy." the old lady says and tries to pat Elio's head as Elio bends down a little bit to make his height different from her.

Unexpectedly he just lets this stranger touch his head, probably because Elio at the moment is already tired of thinking too much.

"This is the first time you bring someone with you, young lady." the old lady says and turns her head to look at Sapphire with her hand still patting Elio's head.

Elio takes this moment to peek at Sapphire's expression and there is a tiny smile on her face then nods her head in agreement.

"What kind of flowers do you need, young boy?" the old lady says and turns back to face Elio as she also takes her hand off from Elio's head.

Hearing that question and what Sapphire just told him a few seconds ago, Elio doesn't have any clue why he needs to choose a flower right now.

In addition, Elio doesn't know anything about flowers' meaning and can't even remember their names.

Hence he looks at Sapphire, searching for a clue what type of flower, but Sapphire turns around and walks around to see the flowers.

"Umm.. can I take a look around first?" Elio replies, not wanting the old lady to wait long for just a simple question.

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