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Good morning, good evening, good day, good night!


Welcome to my beautifully messy book. 

I started writing this book a solid 7 years ago, I used to print off every chapter and put it in a clearfile and the only person whos ever read this is my sister. After about a year I wrote the epilogue but was never satisfied. I knew I had to rewrite the start but it took me 5 years to open the file again. I don't know what it was whether it was graduating high school, moving around the world several times by myself, covid or finding my dream job that prevented me from giving my babies a finished story. But one day a few months ago I finally let the guilt of never finishing their universe get to me and I reopened the file.

Trying to finish something as an adult that was written by a child is actually quite difficult. I was trying to keep the original story and my original words together but at the same time trying to mature the story a little bit. 

I know there's still mistakes in this, I know my grammar isn't perfect but I'm working on it. One day at a time. You can't rush perfection.

I grew up on this platform, I read so many books and I wanted to be like them. All the authors on this site, I wanted to be them which is what sparked my idea of this story. Why not combine my favourite sport and one I grew up playing to a competitive level and my love for boybands together. 

I started this with the fallout of one direction and ended this obsessed with kpop and ive been through every alley of boybands you can imagine inbetween. 

Im proud of this and proud of myself for finishing this.

And finally I hope you're able to enjoy.

This is dedicated to my sister; the one who told me to never give up.

Love, Olivia xx

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