chapter 19

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Percy pov

Monster to the left of me. monster to the right of me. monster in front of me. I slash, I kill, I embrace my comrades, I welcome them to their eternal slumber. Screams thunder in my ears. Kronos stands right by my side, my knight in shining armour, brave as zoe nightshade, loyal as Hyperion, strong as Atlas, he's the best of us, something, until a year ago or so, I never thought I would say. There are only monsters to defeat at the moment, even if there are 100s of 1000s. Kronos thinks the dark army will turn up when the battle is near decided

I stumble upon one of my 1st monsters to kill off the battle and ironically is one of the 1st monsters I ever met. Medusa: as beautiful (supposedly) as a goddess. As lethal as poison as fearsome as snakes,.Talking of those vile creatures they wink at me in greeting., as if recognising me. Medusa smiles at e "hello, son of Poseidon, I have heard from Tartarus you have made quite a name for yourself" I smile and say "I've come a long way". She sneers at me "clearly" still keeping my eyes firmly shut even if 9i can't be turned to stone I can still get one hell of a shock. I hear Poseidon speak in my mind " son, you distract her, I'll get her '' I shoot back a quick affirmative and work on stalling her.

I pleasantly asked her, slipping in a little charm, "how was Tartarus? you're as beautiful as I remember ." she smiles-well more hisses- at me and replies angrily "Tartarus was terrible. It was hot, painful and boring! Don't think you're pretty words can work on me, you may be a titan and a very handsome one at that, but I can still destroy your young, handsome face as before, all you need to do is look into my eyes and I can take you to a man who is very interested in you indeed

I brandish my sword, eyes still closed and say "no thanks now maybe you should turn around and open your eyes' '. Please, dad , please be there. It seems he is because I hear medusa shriek "poseidon" before I feel something at my feet - her head.I yelp as I notice my dad lying on the ground ,wide-eyed. It seems medusa got him . her final revenge, i guess. I flash us to Apollo and he looks at my dad and all he says is " medusa?". I nod tentatively. Apollo beams me his brightest smile "don't worry he'll be back to normal in 1⁄2 an hour or so.'' I see the med bay is already full . I snap my fingers changing it into a fully-fledged hospital with olympian nurses running around,eager to help. I place a protective field around the area. Apollo hugs me in thanks and joins his kids and the olympian nurses.

Kronos waltzes up to me, clearly enjoying the battle, gold dust and ichor dripping off of his breastplate. I suppose to others he must look dreadful but to me, he has never looked more majestic. He picks me and carries me to the centre of the battlefield, slowing time as he does so. He kisses me for a few seconds before returning to normal and jumping back into battle. I pull out my sword again, shaking my head in amusement.

I hear a shout to my left and see Annabeth and Reyna back to back surrounded by monsters , one of whom is the minotaur. I leap to their aid.

With will safely looking after the patients in the hospital , another thing I owe to that brave titan , I set my sights on the battlefield. I notice Jake sprinting left to try and aid Percy,Annabeth and Reyna. I shadow-travel over. I smile at Percy"need a hand?" he smiles tiredly back and nods. We set to work destroying the rabid beasts. They snarl and snap at us. I notice to my right that Percy has engaged in a battle with the minotaur and Jake, to my left , is fighting the hydra. Percy obviously wins his fight sending the bull to the depths of Tartarus. Jake, on the other hand, isn't so lucky. The hydra takes a large bite out of Jake and then burns his face. Jake falls, screaming. Reyna starts to run in the direction of the hospital and I shake my head. Percy and I can tell, he's dying. Percy gathers Jake in his arms. Jake looks and says " you know, you've never looked more amazing." percy smiles and says "well i can't say the same for you my hero."

He chuckles and then frowns "am i a hero?". Percy looks on the verge of tears but says "yes,you are , you'll be going to elysium." he smiles for a final time and lays back in percy's arms as the light fades from his eyes. Percy breaks down sobbing and Annabeth rushes over to comfort him. In the distance I see Kronos running over shouting something inaudible. I then realised that ouranos and the dark army was here. I let myself cheer at the fact we had nearly defeated the monsters . My celebration is short lived because as soon as I hear Reyna shout , my world fades into darkness.


I turn just in time to see Nico get struck down by a dark knight. A little distance away I see ouranos cut down my kronos. Annabeth and Reyna get washed away by a sea of darkness. My vision turns red, I hear water thundering in my ears , the smell of death rises up my nostrils, the ground beneath me becomes shaky. I taste blood on my lips and then ... then ... the complete silence.

Ouranus bursts apart as Kronos mustered enough strength to bring his scythe round. We won . We won. I slump back exhausted praying that Nico and everyone else is safe. Please dad,please kronos,please chaos help them.

As my hearing starts to deteriorate I hear a final few words " come to me sweet titan" and I see a young woman elope me in her arms. 

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