Chapter 5 - Betrayal

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This is the picture of the orphanage. But instead of the bushes surrounding the house, it's just a dark forest. And there is rusty dusty wooden benches surrouding the building.


The woman's frigid, soot colored eyes briefly widened before hardening into a glare.

"Mr. Donut and Mr. Taki", She commanded forcefully, "Seize her and bring her to Mr. Miller's office. Now". (I apologize; I couldn't help it!)

The boys that were called froze for a moment before they hesitanted, then made their way towards me.

I couldn't believe it, their betrayal hit me like a pound of bricks.


I sat down on the cold wooden bench at the edge of the forest and just sat there.

A gust of wind blew and ruffled my hair but I didn't care. I wanted to get out of this place. I thought I'd make new friends...

The food was horrible

The people were horrible

Everything was horrible

My life had been shattered into a million peices.

I don't remember what had happened, I only knew what happened after I woke up on the cold stone doorstep of the orphanage.

They took me in. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not though.

This place felt like fucking prison.

I sigh, and continue to be lost in my thoughts until a voice shatters the comfortable silence.

"Um...Hi", it was a male for sure and he sounded pretty uneasy, "We just wanted to make sure that you were...ok".

I didn't look up, they were here to make fun of me anyways.

Another voice cuts in, he was more cheerful than the one before, "Oh yeah! So are you ok?"

I pondered on whether or not I should respond to there comments.

What if they were pretending?

I had a habit of not being able to trust people ever since I found out what had happened to me.

The second voice speaks once more, this time sounding worried, "So...Are you ok?"

I finally decided to look up.

Two boys were standing before me, concern written all over their faces.

The first more cheerful boy was around the same age as me, I was 13, so I'm pretty sure he was 14. He looked a bit taller than me. He had shaggy brown hair, tanned skin, and forest green eyes.

The second more serious boy also had brown hair, but with light blue eyes.

They were both around the same height, and they looked pretty alike so I assumed they were siblings.

"Yeah, I'm ok", I mutter curtly as I stood up, "I have to go".

I turned around and started to walk away when I felt a tug at my wrist.

I spun around and saw a pair of pleading eyes that belonged to a boy.

The cheerful boy held my gaze for a second, before looking away regretfully, "I'm sorry, I thought you'd at least tell me your name..."

Serious boy glared at his brother, "Don't be rude! She can do what she wants!"

Suddenly, I felt this urge to smile. But I bit my lip.

I had never smiled ever since I came here.

Who would've thought that knowing someone actually cared would tug at your heart strings?

"I'm Y/N L/N, I'm 13 years old", I say as I smile at them for the first time since 7 years.

Cheerful boy flashed me a cheeky grin. "I'm Noah Donut!"

Serious boy sighed and then gave me a formal smile, "I'm Tom Taki!"

I attempted to hide my giggle, Donut? Taki?

Tom seemed to notice what I was doing because he pouted and said, "Don't laugh!"

I scoffed, and then gave him a warm and genuine smile, "So! Wanna be friends?"

Both boys nodded, gave me a grin, and cheered, "Friends!"

~End of Flashback~

"I thought you were my friend", I spit out as they grabbed my arms.

Noah's face was filled with guilt, but I felt no remorse. Tom on the other hand, showed no emotion.

I felt tears threaten to spill, but I blinked them back. I won't let them see how weak I am.

"I'm sorry-" Noah began.

I cut him off harshly, "Save it bitch. You were never my friend, were you?"

He shut his mouth after that insult.

I thrashed in their arms and managed to get free and dashed for the door.

I was getting out of this hellhole.

I was never ever coming back.

Freedom was just a few inches away until-

"You're not going anywhere".

Someone roughly yanked me back and all my hopes and dreams were crushed.

I turned around to see my ex friend Maria.

"Let go of me you lying, backstabbing asshole!" I spat in her face.

More people surrounded me, and I was grabbed from all sides.

I struggled in their grips until I heard a familiar awful voice.

"Get that bat over there", Mrs. Myles ordered, "I had enough of this nonsense.

Death threats to her raced through my mind as I struggled even harder.

Was this even allowed?!

That was the last thing I thought before I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and black dots clouded my vision.

I stumbled backwards and everything went dark.

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