Chapter 9 - Crazy

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I hope your ready for a extra long chapter!


I narrowed my eyes at the girl before me.


Freedom was just a few inches away until-

"You're not going anywhere".

Someone roughly yanked me back and all my hopes and dreams were crushed.

I turned around to see my ex friend Maria.

"Let go of me you lying, backstabbing asshole!" I spat in her face.


I pursed my lips in frustration as another horrid memory


It was the second day of orphanage.

I had nothing to loose for now.

That was until I met Serenity.

I was sitting alone in the lunchroom, munching on some sort of oatmeal.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and I whip my head around and stare.

A girl with a short pony tail, black hair, golden earings smiled kindly at me. She had on leapord print glasses, and bangs.

"Hi! My name is Serenity Janes!" She chirped happily at me, "Wanna be friends?"

I hesitate, what if she was lying? What if she betrays me like the rest of the people?

Like I said before, I had a hard time trusting people.

However, she looked so genuine I couldn't help but give a slight smile.

"Sure...", I reply, "I guesss".

"Well?" She asked impatiently, "Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"O-oh!" I felt my cheeks heat up from embaressment, "My name is Y/N L/N, and I'm 10 years old".

"My name is Serenity Janes, I'm the same age as you!" Serenity flashes me a toothy grin.

She made me feel like I was important, and actually worth something.


"Happy 7th birthday Y/N!" Serenity cheers, and hands me a beautifully wrapped gift.

I gingerly took it, as if it was about to dissappear any moment.

I slowly unwrapped it, because I didn't want to ruin the wrapping paper, where'd she get it from anyways?

"Hey Serenity?" I asked curiously, "Where'd you get this from?"

My best friend smiles sheepishly, and rubs the nape of her neck, "I uh...sorta....took it? Sorry..."

"Are you serious?!" I yelled at her.

Serenity flinches, and frowns, "I'm so sorry! I can return it-"

I tackled her to the floor and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

The girl stiffens for half a second, then she slowly returned my warm embrace.

"I don't deserve this", I murmered to her happily, "It means the world to me that you even gave me any gift at all".

"Oh Y/N....", Serenity says, "You better open that gift right now or else!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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