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'check out this year's loot!' Vesper yelled across the Y/hh commen room.

You were the most populair Y/hh student. So naturaly, every year on valentines day you get a lot of valentine cards from many people.

So you and your friends Vesper, Athena, Sam, Raven and Drystan like to take a look at them together, since most of them are exactly the same. The same cringe pick up lines, the same red flags, the same lines of things that only discripe your beauty, since non of the people that send these valentines see anything past your appearance.

So now you sat in the Y/hh commen room with them and are about to continue your tradition of reading the valentines you got.

Drystan sat on Raven's lap in one of the armchairs. They've been dating since 3d year. They try to not make you and Sam feel like the 5th and 6th wheel, since Vesper and Athena are together too. But Athena and Vesper were a bit better at that.

'So before we dig in, did anyone else get something for valentine?' You asked.

'Vesper gave me rose.' Athena said. 'Athena gave me a green adventurin ring, because according to her, it's the same color as my hair.' 'It is though.' Athena laughed.

'Drystan gave me a hand drawn card.' Raven smiled at his boyfriend. 'Raven gave me a butterfly necklace.' Drystan said with his adorable giggly smile. Drystan has autism and his special intrest is insects. Raven knows his favorite insect is butterflies, so this was perfect.

'I got a card from someone who wrote I'd be attractive if I was a pureblood, so interperate that however you want.' Sam said cassualy.

'Jesus Sam.' 'Yeah, I'm deffenetly not the pretty one.' She joked.

Sam was always pretty inecure about her looks, but she can laugh about it. Most people say that she is more the funny one, but you and your friends actually call her the smart one. She's deffenetly funny, but also extreemly smart. She makes prototype weapons that would deffenetly be illegal if ever discovered by the goverment. They're extreemly powerfull.

'Anyways, let's not talk about that obvious red flag and read these cringe cards already!' Sam said.

They all look at the cards on the table. They read some, laugh about the cringe pick up lines, point out the red flags and all that.

'Huh, what's this?' Drystan asked while picking up what seemed to be a package. It was a 6 inches wide and 9 inches tall thing wrapped in brown wrapping paper with a red bow wrapped around it.

'Can I see that?' You asked. Drystan handed you the package.

You ripped the wrapping paper off to see a random romance book. You skimmed through the book and see that every few pages a line is be underlined. They were all romantic, poetic lines.

'I loved everything about her. How her smile would brighten and her eyes would sparkle when she talked about something she was pasionate about. I could listen to her all day.'

'Even though she was kind to me in the ways others had been, her acts of kindness stuck with me. Whether it's her helping me pick up my books when I let them fall in the hallway on my way to class or simply standing up for me when the populair kids would bully me for my appearance. Her kindness was different to me, even though she did small things others had done for me before.'

'I had been a hot mess lately. All I could think about was her. Her smile, her voice, her kindness, how she wasn't afraid to speak her mind, how she always seemed to be there for me even though she didn't know I excisted.'

'I've been thinking about if she would ever say yes if I were to ask her out, and I've concluded the chances are small. She was head cheerleader, the populair girl everyone was smitten over. Meanwhile I was just the weird quiet kid that sat in the corner alone. I'd often feel jealousy when I saw some football player ask her out, making himself look more attractive then he actually was, even though no one could deny those boys were jacked, those boys that every girl would kill to kiss. I always mentaly slap myself for feeling that jealousy. She wasn't my girlfriend, therefore I had no right feeling that way.'

'I often lay awake at night thinking about her. I would tell myself to just bite the bullet and ask her out before someone else gets with her. "What do you have to loose?" I often tell myself, which ussually ends with me telling myself I'd be laughed at even more if I asked out the most populair girl in school and got rejected.'

'Sometimes I just sit and think about what would happen if I could be with her. On what dates I would take her, how we would cuddle, how her lips would feel on mine. I often think I'm a creep for laying in bed and thinking about how my relationship with a girl that walks by me in the hallway would be. I usually blame it on me being a stupid teenager that's in love. But if I blame it on that, shouldn't I know better?'

'In movies and books the populair girl is almost always portrait as the bully, the person that thinks they're above everyone else. Before I got to highschool, I always thought of this as truth. But when she helped me get away from bullies who saw me as an easy target, that view changed. Some people don't become mean with populairity, though that seemed to be a rare accurance. She was kind even when she shouldn't be, which was one of the many things I admired about her.'

Quotes like this were the lines that are underlined. When you eventually came to the end of the book, there was a dried rose taped to inside of the cover, and a handwritten note.

'The quotes I underlined reminded me of you, and how I feel about you. Like the character describes, you have no idea I excist, which I'm fine with. I have no idea how to tell you how I feel. This was the only thing I could think of. I hope I won't make you feel unconfortable with this. I just wanted to tell you how I felt. I know you must get a lot of valentines, and that you probably won't notice this one. But I don't mind.

Happy valentines day Y/n.

You were at a loss for words. This was the most creative way you've ever seen someone express their feelings. And also the most romantic way. Knowing the quotes were what this mystery person thought about you made something in your stomach flutter.

'Someone's at a loss for words. What's the book about?' Vesper asked. 'And why did someone send you a book with no note or anything?' Athena added.

'There are quotes underlined in the book, and at the end whoever send me this wrote the quotes reminded them of me, and how they feel about me.'

You read some of the quotes to your friends, then the note at the end, and then you showed them the dried rose.

'Wow, that's the most romantic confession I've ever seen!' Sam said. 'Does it say who it's from?' Drystan asked.

'It only says "happy valentines day Y/n, N.L".' You anwsered.

'Well, whoever it is just send you the best valentine you've received since, well, ever.' 'Yeah, deffenetly.' You said.

You looked at the book in your hands, smiling and wondering who this mysterious N.L could be.

Neville Longbottom X Reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now