Tummy Rubs

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You were staying at your boyfriend Neville's house.

Your parents were going on a vacation, and since almost any time you went on vacation you heard some "noises" from their bedroom where whereever you'd be staying, you tried to convince them to let you stay with a friend.

Eventually they agreed, but only if you stayed with Neville's grandma, who's a close friend of your parents.

They don't know you and Neville are together. If they knew, you would probably be with them on vacation right now.


You layed on the matras next to Neville's bed, your arm on your stomach, trying to distract yourself from the pain.

You've just started your period. You usually don't have bad cramps, but now you did.

Neville was already awake. When he got up he looked if you were awake, but you pretented to sleep so you could wait for the cramps to get better.

You've been laying on the matras hoping the pain would go away for about an hour now.

Sometimes it would get a little better, not unpainfull but a bit better. But then sometimes it would come back like a bomb being launched right at your stomach.

Eventually you realized it wouldn't get better anytime soon, and talking to Neville might distract you. So you got up and started walking to the kitchen, where Neville usually is at this time.

You entered the room.

'Oh hey love- what's wrong?' He asked when he turned to you and saw you were in pain. 'Oh hey love, it's nothing.' You said, not wanting to worry him.

He gently took you by the arm and sat you down at the table.

'Love, I'm not blind. I can see you're in pain.' He said softly. 'It's just period cramps, love. It's fine.' 'You don't look fine.' You said nothing.

'Is there something I can do to make you feel better.' You said nothing as your cramps started getting worse again.

As he saw tears in your eyes he started rubbing circles over your back, quietly making soothing "shhh" noises. 'You want something to drink?' He asked. You nodded through the pain.

He walked to the kitchen counter and got milk and chocolate powder to make you some hot chocolate.

When he finished the hot chocolate he walked up to you, put it down on the table and started rubbing on your back again.

It hurt him seeing you like this. And it hurt him even more that he knew this probably wasn't the first time you experenced this pain, and that it probably won't be the last time. And that he can't do anything about it makes it even worse.

You took small sips while Neville kept rubbing your back.

After some time you finished the hot chocolate. 'Thank you.' You said quietly.

'Do you want to lay in bed?' He asked softly. You nodded.

He helpt you up and walked to his bedroom with you. When you layed down he layed the blanket over you and tucked you in.

He sat down next to the bed and rubbed his thumb gently across your cheek. 'Try to sleep a bit, okay?' He said softly. You nodded. He kissed you on the forehead and walked out of the room to let you sleep.

You hated this. Of course you got your period when you were staying with Neville. You could be walking in the forest holding hands, baking something or just doing something fun with him. But no, you could barely walk from the pain.

While he wouldn't tell you, Neville was quit sad too. He really wanted to spend time with you. While he hadn't actually said the words "I love you" to you yet, he had thought it many times, and really felt it. He loved you more then anything. Even more then his plants.

This was just very unfortunate timing for both of you.

You layed in bed, trying to fall asleep to not feel the pain for a while. But it kept you awake instead. You tried thinking about memories of you and Neville to try to distract yourself, but it just made you sad. Knowing you could be spending time with him but your stupid cramps kept you from it was so frusterating.

A little while later Neville came in to check if you were asleep. You had your eyes closed but somehow he knew you weren't asleep.

'Can't sleep?' He asked softly, standing against the wall. You slowly opened your eyes and nodded.

He came up to you and kneeled next to the bed. 'Is there anything I can do to help?' He asked. He wanted to make this better somehow, but he had no idea how. He didn't have experience with something like this.

You stayed quiet for a little bit, but eventually quietly said: 'can we cuddle?'

He blushed, but agreed. He really liked cuddling with you. At Hogwarts you don't have the opportunity to cuddle a lot, since the staircases don't allow girls and boys to get into each others dorm. And cuddling in the commen room gets awkward really fast when there are so many people that can see you.

So when you 2 are alone, you kinda take every opportunity you can get.

He got into bed with you and cuddled you from behind. He gently wrapped his arm around your waist and rubbed your tummy slowly with his thumb.

'Is this okay?' He asked quietly. You nodded.

'I wish I could take the pain away from you.' He said gently. You just said 'mhm' and closed your eyes, not knowing how to respond to that.

Neville cared so much for you, and you really appreciated that, but you didn't have enough energy to answer.

You both just stayed that way and said nothing, just enjoying each others company. He kept rubbing your tummy and saying how much he loves you every few minutes.

Eventually you fell asleep.

Cuddling and knowing how much he loves you was a good distraction from the pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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