Im sorry but-

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W: "again, it's fine, really Enid. I don't mind. We're roommates not strangers" E: "okay... but Wedns? I have a question..." W: Yes Lo— I MEAN ENID— sorry, yes enid?" <w mind> how did you almost call her love?!? Wth Wednesday.) E: what was that all about?? "Do you... <sigh> never mind." I probably shouldn't ask about how I looked, that's just weird.

W: "I'm going to get in the shower." E: "okay Wedns."  W: Weird. She never has a monotone voice like me. Something's wrong.. it's fine Wednesday don't think about it just get in the shower.

25 min later

W: Shit! I forgot my shirt! what should I do.. I'll just go grab it. It must be sitting on my bed. <Wednesday completely forgot Enid was there> *walks out of bathroom with her hair down, no shirt (yes she has a bra)*
E: Oh that's Wednesday. *looks up at wedns* HOLY— OH MY GOD- WHERES HER SHIRT- AND HER HAIR IS DOWN- OMG "I- uh- Wedns..?" W: "Oh, Enid. I forgot you where here. Sorry I just need to get a shirt."

E: Wait... am I? In love with Wednesday? No that's silly. But.. I get all flustered when im around her.. Why do I like Wednesday so much? Maybe I don't like Ajax as much as I thought.. you know what. I'm going to break up with him. He's made me lie. He's made me do so much for him with nothing in return. I'm done with h-W: *she walks to enid* "Have you seen my shirt? I can't find it." E: holy shit-! She's so gorgeous... *enid zoned out looking at wednesday* W: "Enid? Your staring." E: "Oh! SORRY!! I zoned out!! I haven't seen your shirt." W: "Oh nevermind i see it."

*enid asleep* W: I need to wake her up. "Enid! Wake up!!" *still asleep* "ENID!! .... Hm she must be really tired." She's so beautiful.. I mean.. she won't wake up.. she's in a deep sleep so I mean... I could kiss her? She won't wake up anyway. I can't handle my lips being separated from hers anymore.. *she walks over and carefully gets on Enids bed, trying not to wake her. Enid wakes up but pretends she's asleep because she wants to see what Wednesday is doing - mainly because is extremely rare for Wednesday to go on Enid's side on the room.

Wednesday slowly crawls on top of Enid and adjusts her head. W: this is weird.. kissing your roommate? When she's asleep? Whatever. I like taking risks. *she then gently grabs Enids jawline and kisses her.*

E:  WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL- DID SHE JUST KISS ME?!? WEDNESDAY—! KISSING ME?!? Oh my god oh my god.. am I still dreaming?!? she then opens her eyes making it seem like she was asleep the whole time <mind> oh so I wasn't dreaming—. W: SHIT SHES WAKING UP.. "Oh- I uh- you had something on your face— sorry." E: "Wednesday." W: shit. "Yes enid?" E: "I know what you just did. I wasn't asleep." W: "I uh- I'm sorry- I'm really really sorry- I should leave.." Wednesday felt tears forming in her eyes. Like all the guilt she had for doing that. She had vowed not to cry... but when it comes to losing Enid - it's hard. E: "Wait! Wedns!!" *SLAM* shit. She left. I shouldn't have said that.. I need to find her— after I brush my hair.

W: WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!? *Wednesday couldn't believe what she had done, or the fact that she was crying.* E: "Wednesdayyy??? Wednesday where are you?!?" W: it's Enid. "I-I'm o-over here" shit she can't see me crying. E: "Coming!... Hey wedns.. why'd you run off like tha-". Oh my god.. she's crying. I feel so bad... "Wedns? Are you okay?" W: "No. not really.. I'm really sorry about earlier.. I wasn't thinking right and my thoughts took over and th—" E: "Listen, Wednesday. It's okay but I need you to answer this truthfully.. do you like me? Like, like like me.?" W: "I- uhm- well- *sigh* yes enid. I do. I'm sorry. I know your dating Ajax that's why I wasn't going to tell you and just keep it bottled up inside me but— I don't even know anymore." E: "Here, let's go back to the dorm - out of the library - and we can talk there."

The walk back was awkward and silent
E: "Listen Wednesday, here, lay on your bed and we can talk." Wednesday walks to her bed. W: "listen Enid, I know you don't like me back, could we just get this over wi—" Enid crawls on top of Wednesday (REMINDER!! THIS IS 18+!! WEDNS AND ENID ARE A BIT OLDER TOO!!) E: "Yeah, sure I don't like you. I love you." W: "You wha— wait.. what?" E: "I love you Willa. I love you so much." Enid grabs Wednesdays neck (gently) and makes out with her.


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