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June 13 1986

Belinda looked outside her window. She sighed while looking out to see the sun shining bright in all his glory.

"Summer, finally.."

She got up from her bed, and walked out from her room, seeing her mother gone from her room, and in the kitchen with her father, he looked at the newspaper, and adjusted it to where he could see.

Nothing good really happened the last summers, maybe getting ice cream from a nearby stand, or maybe going to the beach, the gym with mom, or just sitting around watching movies until the TV turned off by itself and went static at somewhere by 12. But this would be a great summer, Rose, her friend and Elizabeth, or Eliza which is what Elizabeth wants then to call her, had gotten them a job as Camp Counselors. They would take their training courses. Somewhere, she said, at Camp Lakewood, which was now Camp Green.

The owner decided to cover up the gruesome deaths with a new name, more activities, and more fun.

"Hey there honey!" Her mother said as she put a plate of breakfast on the table.

Belinda came to look at her father's newspaper, as it read: "Camp Lakewood rebrands it's name to Camp Green! After the deaths of multiple Counselors back in 85'!  Will there be a downfall to this cover up?"

One of the counselors parents spoke out and said "It isn't right to cover up the counselors deaths and my child's death, Lucy like that, this was a bad decision which will soon dissolve into nothing.."

Her father was shocked.

"Their really doing that.."

"Oh cmon honey! Eat your toast, I made it with jelly !" Her dad quickly put down his newspaper and got up to make his coffee, just to sit back down and eat his toast and drink his coffee he brewed. Belinda quietly ate, her mother chewed on her eggs as her dad sipped his coffee. After throwing away her plate and eating, she saw Laura in her mom's car, honking her horn.

"Hey its time to go, Belinda!" Laura yelled.

Belinda ran in the house and screamed, "IM GOING TO THE JOB!"

Mom and Dad applauded her.

Belinda packed up her things, until she saw a picture on the desk. It was of her and her grandma, and little brother.

"I miss you,grandma..I hope your with grandpa.."

April 19 1981

Grandma had always taken Belinda to the store for things, this time, it would be the last time she would ever see her grandma, grandma's house was by  the local store, everyone went there, especially during hurricane season and very strong, snowy blizzards.

This time, her and her grandma were in the store, a gun shot was heard, her and her grandma looked for a place to hide.

Everyone scurried in panic, until the shot was heard in their direction, Belinda looked behind her and saw her grandma dead, by the shelves, she saw the bullets on the floor.


June 13 1986

"She will be released soon right? This incident kept her here for a long time " a doctor said.

"Yes, she will finally meet her parents, again"

Irene gained more consciousness, and finally woke up. She saw a nurse and doctor, but it was a blur. 

"She's waking up!" A doctor yelled.

She gained more and more, and could physically look at the doctor and nurse, but went back to sleep, a little nightmare occurred in her slumber, about Molly, her, and that unknown figure, the dream was with her, Molly, and Samuel, Molly sitting on a chair and Samuel standing by her, the figure grabbing Molly, and Irene coming to save her.

"You should've saved me .."

"I couldn't Molly! I COULDN'T!" Irene yelled in reality, the nurses and doctors looked at her.

She woke up and took deep breaths.

The doctor and nurse walked out the room, as Irene got up and explored the room, she saw a table with a bouquet of flowers, with a note left by her mom. She peeped through the door and saw doctors and nurses bustling the halls.

Meanwhile, the nurse and doctor went in about empty room.

The figure crept through the room, seeing the nurse and doctor talking, they started to kiss. They stabbed the woman, the man screamed.

" sh-"

They sliced his throat, and continued to bonk his head on the wall, grabbed his shirt and threw him down on the table, making it break .

They walked out and went to the reception area to get rid of the other nurses.

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